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Difference Between Regular Season Games and Playoff Games?


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I've been told many times when someone's favorite team loses to a rival team, "Oh, regular season games don't count, just wait till you see them in the playoffs." Has this ever happened to you before? This drives me nuts. Regular season games have the same motive as playoff games: each team wants to win. If team A beats team B in regular season games, then what makes you think that team B will beat team A in playoff games? Was team B just not trying during regular season? If so, then that's just stupid in my opinion; every team should always try to win. This is just my opinion and I would like to hear your guys' thoughts :).
The difference between regular season games and the playoffs is that the teams all fight for a spot to get into the playoffs. In playoffs you see those same teams fight even harder to get to the championship series. The main thing is teams play take it much higher when they get into the playoffs. I think that play hard to get to the playoff, but play much more harder when they are in the playoffs.
Well for one, the intensity is higher. People know that come playoff time it's win or go home. And nobody wants to go home so....
Well for one, the intensity is higher. People know that come playoff time it's win or go home. And nobody wants to go home so....

Well thank you for your response. In a way, you brought some sense into my mind where if you're one of the top four teams, and it's close to playoff time, I guess the intensity isn't that strong because you'll for sure be going to the play offs.
All of these games matter if a team wants to get to the playoffs. A team will want the highest position possible going into the playoffs, too. Teams on the top play teams on the bottom. Usually the teams that barely make it are easier to beat. Once in a while there will be an upset, which makes it more exciting to watch.
There are many factors that make the playoffs different. First, a team may play in back-to-back games against well-rested teams during the regular season which can reduce their effectiveness in the second game. That won't happen in the playoffs since every team will have adequate rest between games.

Second, the intensity is higher just like what dexterlablab1 said.

Third, the coaches will have ample time to test different strategies since the teams face each other many times in a series. They can see what works and what doesn't. For example, a team may lose the first game but the coach might make some changes to the line-up and they may go on to win the next four games.

fourth...well that's all I can think of :)
For me, playoffs is like a restart, it's like everything is back to zero. The results on the regular games don't count anymore as coaches will make some adjustments, make different strategies and avoid the mistake they did before. What matters in the Playoffs is whose team got the home court advantage and who got the better defense.
For the NBA, it's impossible for a team to play as hard as they can for the duration of the season. A normal season is 82 games, which certainly takes a toll on the players' bodies. The fatigue is exacerbated this season, with the games much closer together due to the strike. Especially with older players like Kobe Bryant or Tim Duncan, they have to conserve their strength for the playoffs.

The stakes are higher in the playoffs, the teams want it more, and they don't have to conserve their energy, as the loser goes home.
Every game matters more, so intensity level is higher. Teams are more well rested as well and the game plans are more specific since you are playing the same team numerous times. This leads to the teams knowing each other very well and being able to counter what each does well.
Regular season is when all the teams play at the default starting line. When a team losses a lot they also lose the chance to play in the playoffs, if you play any video game you will understand how this works.
Playoff games are intense. They just are. They make you appreciate how good a game is even if you don't have a vested interest in the teams that are playing.

Of course if your team is playing and you're watching you might as well make sure you're as comfortable as possible because if the game is close you will feel like you're going to have a heart attack.

Very few regular season games offer that same sort of excitement.