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Directly from American President's mouth


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From whitehouse dot gov.

"Last September, Anbar was all over the news. It was held up as an example of America's failure in Iraq. The papers cited a leaked intelligence report that was pessimistic about our prospects there. One columnist summed it up this way: "The war is over in Anbar province, and the United States lost.""

Is there an example of America's success in Iraq???
An example of America's success in Iraq is that there is still no full scaled civil war between sunnies and shiites with a thousands victims every day.
I guess that depends on your definition of "success". If "success" means confuse the existing governing bodies, sieze control of all critical infrastructure (yes this would include all aspects of oil industry), control propaganda, and alienate your country from most of the rest of the world..."MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"!!
Oh...Don't forget about allowing Iraqi "refugees" to seek sanctuary and citizenship in the U.S.A. while we keep the Mexicans out (who, by the way, were here in most of the southern U.S. prior to the "Americans" and many of them have ancesters buried on U.S. soil).
Creating a war, killing many on both sides, helping that come about...hmm success?

I never did quite understand how that can and still be considered a just reason for keeping both americans and britians in iraq, yesterday on the news it is said there's nearly as many deaths each day as ww1..

dramatic don't you think?

The country needs to sort itself out, what they are doing isn't achieving anything but destroying lives, we aren't even moving anywhere, it's a civil war and many can say that it may carry on for years.

disgusting if you call that success.
We're keeping the mexicans out? Really?

Maybe i'm just confused because I grew up in white minority southern califorina.
Brainfreeze...LOVE your avatar and the quote on the bottom...I only mention the immigrant issue to highlight the stupidity of the whole situation. The lack of planning, over confidence in under trained troops, money grubbing, and the simple act of trying to push "our" beliefs (both political and religious) onto another culture is completely absurd. This is only my opinion (you know what those are like) but I just don't understand why "we" want everybody to look, act, and believe as "we" do. Is that not the basis for discrimination and hatred (not accepting others for who and what they are)? America is "The Melting Pot" but that does not mean ALL countries, or individuals, have to conform to "our" standards.
America is "The Melting Pot" but that does not mean ALL countries, or individuals, have to conform to "our" standards.

What? "Our" standards, that all human beings are free and are entitled to be free, are pretty noble if you ask me. Everyone deserves to be free. The people of Iraq have a chance of being free now. They never had that under Saddam.

Sorry, proud American Flag Waver here. The USA isn't perfect (no country is), but no country in the history of mankind has ever amassed as much power and wealth as we have, and used it as benevolently as we do. Our form of government, with it's Constitution, has been emulated throughout the world. We must be doing something right. Why is Iraq going the way it is? Because the world has become far too politically correct, and wars aren't fought the way they should be. The media in this country, and around the world, try to undermine the war every chance they get, and the enemy knows all they need do is keep killing and sooner or later the Americans will give up and go home. It's sad. Very sad. I only hope that the government of Iraq establishes itself and it's army before that happens, so that when we do leave, they can protect themselves. Otherwise every American life lost will be in vain.
I agree.. While it sucks that we are stuck there, there's nothing to do but finish the job. If you cut yourself in a bad way, the only thing you can do is try and stop the bleeding, not worry about how the cut got there..
Just a couple of points about your post.

What? "Our" standards, that all human beings are free and are entitled to be free, are pretty noble if you ask me. Everyone deserves to be free. The people of Iraq have a chance of being free now. They never had that under Saddam.

Sorry, proud American Flag Waver here. The USA isn't perfect (no country is), but no country in the history of mankind has ever amassed as much power and wealth as we have, and used it as benevolently as we do. Our form of government, with it's Constitution, has been emulated throughout the world. We must be doing something right.

The form of government you claim to be your own and emulated around the world was actually invented by the French. We have them to thank for modern democracy.

Why is Iraq going the way it is? Because the world has become far too politically correct, and wars aren't fought the way they should be. The media in this country, and around the world, try to undermine the war every chance they get, and the enemy knows all they need do is keep killing and sooner or later the Americans will give up and go home. It's sad. Very sad. I only hope that the government of Iraq establishes itself and it's army before that happens, so that when we do leave, they can protect themselves. Otherwise every American life lost will be in vain.

First of all, wars shouldn't be fought in the first place. I know thats naive and idealistic of me but i see no reason that humans don't transcend the need to fight.
The reason the media undermine the war in iraq is because it is their duty to report the things the public need to know and we need to know that our leaders lied to us about the reasons for the war and that they continue to lie to us about how it is going and why our troops are still there
Just a couple of points about your post.
The form of government you claim to be your own and emulated around the world was actually invented by the French. We have them to thank for modern democracy.
Really now? Please explain this one to me.

First of all, wars shouldn't be fought in the first place. I know thats naive and idealistic of me
Yes, it is.

The reason the media undermine the war in iraq is because it is their duty to report the things the public need to know and we need to know that our leaders lied to us about the reasons for the war and that they continue to lie to us about how it is going and why our troops are still there

The reason the vast majority of the media undermines the war is because they do not agree with the war and they hate President Bush. It has little to nothing to do with telling the public what they need to know. The comment about "our leaders lied to us", I am not even going to address. The war was started for a plethora of valid reasons, and quite frankly, I am weary of that argument. I told everyone from square one of the war, two reasons, and two reasons alone justified the United States invading Iraq:
  1. Iraq fired on US jets flying in the no fly zone. Firing on any US Military personnel and/or equipment, justifies the US retailiating.
  2. Saddam signed a peace treaty with the United States, and then violated that treaty (not allowing UN Weapons Inspectors to inspect at their discretion).
Those two reasons justified invading Iraq.
Really now? Please explain this one to me.

Fair enough, i overstated france's importance in establishing democracy. Credit were credit is due, both countries established democratic systems almost simultaneously

The reason the vast majority of the media undermines the war is because they do not agree with the war and they hate President Bush. It has little to nothing to do with telling the public what they need to know. The comment about "our leaders lied to us", I am not even going to address. The war was started for a plethora of valid reasons, and quite frankly, I am weary of that argument. I told everyone from square one of the war, two reasons, and two reasons alone justified the United States invading Iraq:
  1. Iraq fired on US jets flying in the no fly zone. Firing on any US Military personnel and/or equipment, justifies the US retailiating.
  2. Saddam signed a peace treaty with the United States, and then violated that treaty (not allowing UN Weapons Inspectors to inspect at their discretion).
Those two reasons justified invading Iraq.

  1. America had been bombing targets in Iraq since the end of the first gulf war so the current war is not in retaliation. It was infact iraq retaliating for years of attacks.
  2. America has broken plenty of treaties in its time and no one has invaded it. When was the last time americas WMD's were inspected?
Fair enough, i overstated france's importance in establishing democracy. Credit were credit is due, both countries established democratic systems almost simultaneously

Actually, France was still a monarchy when we established our republic. The French Revolution came AFTER the American Revolution.

  1. America had been bombing targets in Iraq since the end of the first gulf war so the current war is not in retaliation. It was infact iraq retaliating for years of attacks.
Completely and totally incorrect. There was no "bombing" being done. A condition of the surrender was there was to be a "No Fly Zone" over Iraq. The American and English jets flying over Iraq were simply enforcing that "No Fly Zone". They were not bombing. They were fired on several times by Iraq. Albeit, they were never hit, but the fact remains they were fired upon.

  1. America has broken plenty of treaties in its time and no one has invaded it. When was the last time americas WMD's were inspected?

I was unaware that the United States ever lost a war and signed a treaty of Surrender that was subsequently broken. Can you please give me a single example of a Treaty of Surrender that the United States signed and then failed to abide by?

The United States never signed a treaty stating that we would allow our WMD's to be inspected. Iraq invaded a neighboring country, Kuwait. The Gulf War was started over this act of aggression. Iraq lost that war, and signed a treaty as a condition to ending the war stating they would, among other things, allow a no fly zone to be enforced over their country and allow UN Weapons inspectors to inspect their country without any hindrance whatsoever. Saddam failed, miserably, to live up to those agreements, and paid the price.

IMHO, the only valid argument about invading Iraq was that we waited too long to do it.

There is no example of the success of U.S. forces in Iraq should be withdrawn, there are forces us to a brutal occupation forces had occupied the homes are not empowered to enter into this country must Ikrjohm so as not to many of their children

There is no example of the success of U.S. forces in Iraq should be withdrawn, there are forces us to a brutal occupation forces had occupied the homes are not empowered to enter into this country must Ikrjohm so as not to many of their children


I'll drink to that!!