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Do video games make people violent?

Games, like film, have age ratings. I don't think a child would be any more affected by a game than a movie with comparable scenes in it if that child were to be subjected to it. In fact, film looks more real, children seem better than people think at realising that a game is fictional, it's in film where they get confused as to what is real and not. I have three kids and have seen this first-hand.
one thing is certain, video games influence people's behavirs esp. the young ones, I remember having to hear kids saying, "Get the F*** outta here" because they heard it on Grand Theft Auto
Well, yeah, it could influence how people think and act, especially if the person is habitually exposed to these factors. The more time a person spends playing video games, I would assume that the effect would also be greater. Likewise, the younger the person, the more susceptible too.
I really think it depends on the person. Some people find it hard to discern between reality and fiction, whereas other people have no problems at all. If it is a child in question, then I think it is ultimately the parents responsibility to make sure that the child does not play violent games, and if they do, make sure it is within reason.
I've played a lot of Pacman, I've never turned into a yellow thing with a mouth and chased after small circles while avoiding ghosts!

In answer to the question, hell no. Everyone plays video games, and it just so happens that some people of that "everyone" turn out to be killers! I'm not sure you can draw a line between the two.
No, not really. Teaches language to children but thats about it. It doesn't neccessarily lead to violence and there isn't anything to prove that it does so i'd leave it at that.
I really think it depends on the person. Some people find it hard to discern between reality and fiction, whereas other people have no problems at all. If it is a child in question, then I think it is ultimately the parents responsibility to make sure that the child does not play violent games, and if they do, make sure it is within reason.

I totally agree with what you are saying. It does come down to the individual and their mind set. Because anything can set a person with a disturbed mind off. Not just video games, movies, TV programs and even certain types of music have done it in the past. Yes these are all forms of entertainment and some of us can see it that way, but others have a hard time separating reality from make believe.

I also agree that parents need to be aware of what video games their children are playing, what TV shows they are watching and what movies they are watching. For that matter what Internet websites they are going to. Video games, TV and Movies have all been given ratings for a reason, its up to us to insure that our kids aren't getting near the stuff that is rated for adults only.
Video games don't make people violent! I can't believe the media would say something like that when there are no conclusive studies, facts, and research to back them up. They're spreading lies, honestly. I've played video games since the N64 (actually about two years after it was released) and I think I grew up to be a non violent person. Some of my video games included guns, and at such a young age, was I expected to learn that guns are okay and perfectly acceptable in society? No, because those video games taught me that guns kill, and I already knew that killing was wrong thanks to my wonderful parents.
Hah, such a controversial debate.
In science, correlation doesn't imply causation. A relationship between virtual aggression and real-life aggression isn't necessarily one of cause and effect. Maybe bullies in real life also enjoy being bullies in virtual life, so they play violent video games.

On the other hand, lag does make one violent... I speak of personal experience here. >_>
I really think it depends on the person. Some people find it hard to discern between reality and fiction, whereas other people have no problems at all. If it is a child in question, then I think it is ultimately the parents responsibility to make sure that the child does not play violent games, and if they do, make sure it is within reason.

A person that has not mental disorder can handle the violence on TV and Games without actually exerting it in reality. If someone plays a violent game then walks outside and punches some guy in the face there are two big errors that has nothing to do with the game itself:
- Failure to raise the children properly
- Failure to identify a mental disorder in time