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Do you believe in ghosts?


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So do you believe in ghosts? If so do you have any ghost experiences? Never seen one myself mind you but you can't beat a good ghost story.
no and no.

I do think there are evil spirit/entities out there. but nothing like a stereotypical ghost you can see or anything.
No, I've always been a skeptic. I'd have to actually see a ghost for myself to believe, which I never have, so I don't.
I do believe in ghosts. When I was younger my brother told me he saw a ghost sitting on the couch watching us while we all slept. He described this figure as wearing a suit and a fedora hat. When we told my dad he started to cry. He believes it was my grandfather's ghost that came to check on us. He says that my grandpa was buried in a suit and fedora hat. It was creepy and comforting when he told us this.
I do. I have been in a few personal experiences myself, and can't really say that I might be just dreaming, because I wasn't. I was most often busy burning the midnight oil for many years, and I know what I saw, what I heard and it was definitely unexplainable.

My father-in-law died from a plance crash and we knew he loved my sons so much. He visited many times, made a toy fone ring even though it was turned off, and my two small kids saw him slowly fade right in front o their eyes. My 3-year daughter saw him standing at our dinner table...etc, etc, etc.
I do believe in ghost. I personally dont have any stories to share myself, I just thing there are thing out there spiritually we cant explain. Love hearing ghost stories.
I used to not believe in ghosts, until my dad died 9 years ago. Since then, I have heard him call for me one time. Also have had something touch me several times on the arm and chest. So Maybe.
I think so. In fact I'm pretty sure my friends house is haunted haha
A friend of mine had their Uncle and grandmother visit them at the bottom of their bed when she was a toddler. The grandmother had died in her late 20's long before she was born. Question marks though about whether this was a dream or not.
Sometimes Satan use that so people will believe it ,and that is the works of Satan.
I believe that Satan can do any foolish deeds,like something flying ghost,and others..So for me its Satan works.and no Ghost only Satan will do that
I believe in ghosts only because Ive had some crazy experiences. My house has been very active. From when I was little to now, strange unexplained things will happen. Also I saw one at Gettysburgh as well. Its a long story but Id be happy to tell if anyone is interested
A friend of mine had their Uncle and grandmother visit them at the bottom of their bed when she was a toddler. The grandmother had died in her late 20's long before she was born. Question marks though about whether this was a dream or not.

Sounds like either a dream or a fake story. Or drugs
I really want to believe ghosts are real. I just don't really have any proof or experience in the matter. I do believe spirits or something of the sort exist.
I live in a house that used to be a hospital.

If any house were haunted, it would be mine.
I wish that I could go on a trip around the world trying to prove or disprove myths.
Personally, I believe ghosts are indeed real. Because when I was younger, we used to live in this apartment building. And let me tell you, there was some evil spirits in that place no question. Even people's pets knew something was wrong there.
There are ghostssssss...... and evil spirits. Like there are demons and there are angels. Others are in disguise, while others invade the body of another. Let us just pray and hope they do not outnumber us!