Do you go/have you been to church?


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
If so, why?

I think I've been to church once or twice. Not for religious reasons; I seem to going to a club or something that was held at the local church, and I know I went once during Easter, but the details escape me.
i used to have to because my parents made me. i haven't in a year or so now though. i'll just go on christmas and easter to make my parents happy.

the church they go to is pretty chill anyway, so i just kind used it as an hour to daydream and think about various other things.
I used to go quite a bit with my mother and sister, but things happened and we fell out of the habit of going and then more things just kept happening.
We'd like to go back, but we tend to be pretty busy these days.
I have been to church on school trips and such as the school was right next to one, but have never been with my family.
I went a couple of times, once at Christmas 'cause my dad took us, and once or twice on my own simply 'cause I was curious.
I go with my grandad at Christmas so he isn't on his own.
Otherwise I don't really enjoy going ;_;
My mom goes every sunday and i was forced to go with her for years.
Now i just go when there are weddings or that sort of thing
My family used to go every week when I was younger, but we stopped when I was eight or nine.
When I was really young I was forced to go. Now I dont because I do not believe in the Christian god, or any god related around that. I am, though, Polytheistic.
When I was younger my best friend's family was Christian, so when I spent the night over at her house, if I stayed all weekend, on Sunday we'd go to church.
I didn't really like it, though. I hated waking up early just to sit and hear some guy talk for an hour.
I used to go every Sunday when I was younger because my parents used to go. We don't go regularly anymore, but my family still go on Christmas/Easter as a little tradition. I stopped taking an interest in it.