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Do you particpate in Donations? Fundraisers? ETC...


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OK poll time...

Do you participate in fundraisers or donations to people or groups you do not know?

Most people I have ever talked to about this type of stuff feel that their own family needs their $ and they cannot take the time to worry about others. :pout:

Just wondering what other peoples views are on this subject.


I especially like giving to the kids who go door to door.....I figure if they're willing to put in the footwork and not be lazy then I'll throw 'em a bone. :)
I give to food drives, fire and police peeps things, St. Jude, Salvation Army, any of those "give a $1 and write your name on a heart" things they do at various drug stores for different causes, etc.

Hey...this isn't a poll. :tap:

I especially like giving to the kids who go door to door.....I figure if they're willing to put in the footwork and not be lazy then I'll throw 'em a bone. :)
I give to food drives, fire and police peeps things, St. Jude, Salvation Army, any of those "give a $1 and write your name on a heart" things they do at various drug stores for different causes, etc.

Hey...this isn't a poll. :tap:

Exactly what she said. Anytime they are in front of any of the grocery stores collecting, I always give the money to my kids to put in the can. I am trying to teach them lessons early in life....and I try to pay it forward, kwim?
Yes and no. I don't give to people or kids for their extra curricular activities at all. I don't ask for someone else to support my hobby, why should I be asked to support yours?

I give to certain people that I know are down and out or just having a bad time. I don't do the "giving tree" at the malls and stuff because I really got pissed when they ask for Ipods, $150 jeans, netbooks etc. I know how it is as a kid to go through Christmas poor. Asking for $150 jeans? That's not asking Santa for a cool toy or gadget. I don't even buy myself $150 jeans :lol:
It depends on the cause. We don't have kids but we always, always buy Boy Scout popcorn, even though we have popcorn coming out the wazoo here. I eat a lot of popcorn! I also have memberships to several non-profits (pay $$ annually, get a newsletter and a tax writeoff) whose causes I believe in. At Christmas we choose a charity and write a check instead of giving gifts to our adult siblings. I donate at other times too, but I do like to get a receipt for my taxes. We regularly tithe, give items to our church, and give items to local non-profits (food pantry, women's shelter). We both give our time to organizations whose causes we believe in.

For animal lovers looking to support a cause and get something in return, check out my thread here please!
Exactly what she said. Anytime they are in front of any of the grocery stores collecting, I always give the money to my kids to put in the can. I am trying to teach them lessons early in life....and I try to pay it forward, kwim?

Got a lil funny......so a couple weeks ago in the middle of the Conagra deal (popcorn) I walked into a store (Shopko in Kenosha) where a Boy Scout was selling popcorn outside. He said "Do you wanna buy some popcorn?" I almost said "Not full price." :lol:

LMAO KG!!! I didn't see your post before typing mine!
Got a lil funny......so a couple weeks ago in the middle of the Conagra deal (popcorn) I walked into a store (Shopko in Kenosha) where a Boy Scout was selling popcorn outside. He said "Do you wanna buy some popcorn?" I almost said "Not full price." :lol:

LMAO KG!!! I didn't see your post before typing mine!

You could have given him a run for his money - should have set up your own popcorn selling booth. :giggles:
You could have given him a run for his money - should have set up your own popcorn selling booth. :giggles:

I like it! :snicker:
Got a lil funny......so a couple weeks ago in the middle of the Conagra deal (popcorn) I walked into a store (Shopko in Kenosha) where a Boy Scout was selling popcorn outside. He said "Do you wanna buy some popcorn?" I almost said "Not full price." :lol:

LMAO KG!!! I didn't see your post before typing mine!

:lol: They chose a BAD time to set up outside that store! it's painful to pay full price for popcorn.. but it's one of the things we do. I justify it somewhat by buying airpop kernels from the scouts since I've never gotten that free.
I donate to the food pantry, give to anyone who sends me those address stickers in the mail (doesn't cost much more than ordering them myself!), I donate to the Ronald McDonald House charities (my parents were the first family to stay in a newly opened one in Canada when my sister needed heart surgery when we were kids!) We do the giving tree at Christmas - we pick a name that matches a family member who has passed away and the whole family buys for that child in memory of them. And The National Marfan Foundation because it is very close to my heart :( (no pun intended)

Don't do the Boy Scout donations outside of Jewel, but I always do the Salvation Army bell ringer donations.
I will give to causes I believe in: helping those with disabilities, helping kids w/ cancer etc. I have never had anyone come to my door selling something b/c we live in an apartment, but I'd buy girl scout cookies or wrapping paper.

The one thing that I hate is the people standing collecting money in busy intersections. There are people that collect near where I live every two weeks. I don't know who the hell you are and what you are doing with the money you collect so stop walking by my car!
We get lots of various school sports teams that set up outside ShopRite asking for donations for trips, uniforms, etc. I generally don't give to them.

Usually the only ones I give to that are outside supermarkets are various veterans groups. I end up with quite a collection of those red pansies around Veterans Day.:lol:

We'll usually pick a name off the giving tree at church at Christmas and also donate food during their various food drives throughout the year. I also donate a bunch of stuff for their collection for retired nuns at Christmas. They have a luncheon for them and like to give each of the sisters a few small gifts. They ask for useful items (which I usually have in my stockpile already) & I make a point of dropping off items for them.

Mostly I give to my church, a few animal organizations and a few Pro-Life organizations.
I always give to the vets with the poppies. It reminds me of my mom. She always had at least one red poppy with that white tag on her visor in her car. She said it was for good luck. So now I give the vet $5-$10 and ask them for 2 or 3 of them. They always try to give me more :lol: Plus they are always extremely nice and polite.
I always give to the vets with the poppies. It reminds me of my mom. She always had at least one red poppy with that white tag on her visor in her car. She said it was for good luck. So now I give the vet $5-$10 and ask them for 2 or 3 of them. They always try to give me more :lol: Plus they are always extremely nice and polite.

Ooops, I had the wrong flower. :giggles: My mom was the same way with having one hanging in the car.

I also have a really hard time saying no to them since it's usually cold when they're out there and I just feel bad. :pout:
The reason I was asking is because yesterday I came across a site asking for prayers for a little boy. OF COURSE they can always use donations to help with his medical bills etc but this little boy AIDAN really touched my heart. Seeing his site helped me get past my "little" issues in life when I saw what he is going through. Anyways I personally will be making it a weekly/monthly goal of mine to send Aidan cards, gifts etc and hopefully some $ here shortly to help his mother out with the medical bills.

Please understand I am not trying to advertise this site or anything. I have to be totally honest and say I really don't ever forward anything like this but for some reason I feel VERY connected to this little boy. I feel it is maybe my calling to try to help. Just who I am I guess...

Anyways if you want to see the site I am talking about please visit www(dot)iloveaidan(dot)com

remove the (dot) and add in .


Thanks guys! Have a great day!

I especially like giving to the kids who go door to door.....I figure if they're willing to put in the footwork and not be lazy then I'll throw 'em a bone. :)
I give to food drives, fire and police peeps things, St. Jude, Salvation Army, any of those "give a $1 and write your name on a heart" things they do at various drug stores for different causes, etc.

Hey...this isn't a poll. :tap:

OK OK MRSMOM thanks for calling me out... :tap:

I have to admit tho :surrender: I don't know how to create an OFFICIAL poll! LOL! :giggles:

We do what we can. We donate food to the food pantry about every two weeks. The boys take some of the money out of their weekly comission to donate, they get to choose where and lately it's been the food pantry as well. During the holidays we do the Wish Tree and I keep extra change in my purse for my boys to put in the Salvation Army buckets. When I have spare change in the car I'll donate to people at intersections when I recognize who they are collecting for. I don't often buy from people standing outside of Jewel, but the other day a girl was selling some World's Finest Chocolate for $2 so I bought some. When I went past Jewel about 6 hours later, she was still there so I bought some more. :)
I donate to the food pantry, give to anyone who sends me those address stickers in the mail (doesn't cost much more than ordering them myself!), I donate to the Ronald McDonald House charities (my parents were the first family to stay in a newly opened one in Canada when my sister needed heart surgery when we were kids!) We do the giving tree at Christmas - we pick a name that matches a family member who has passed away and the whole family buys for that child in memory of them. And The National Marfan Foundation because it is very close to my heart :( (no pun intended)

Don't do the Boy Scout donations outside of Jewel, but I always do the Salvation Army bell ringer donations.

Can I ask why Marfan's is close to your heart? DH's doctors have suspected for a long time that he may have it. He has a lot of common symptoms, but no conclusive evidence that he actually has it. Also, one of his close friends and mentors in college passed away at the age of 30 after having an aneurysm caused by undiagnosed Marfan's.
I give to family first. I also donate to causes I believe in (I guess there could be many but we select a few). I give things away to friends or those within my church. I am donating quite a large special order from GM to my son's homeschool basketball team. I have occasionally bought the overpriced fundraisers - usually from kids we know. I tend to really hate those, though, especially when my own kids have had to sell them. It's part of why I am donating to my son's team - so they get 100% profit and can sell for a very reasonable (I think even a bargain) price.
We do various stuff

food pantry
some home and school stuff
Foster Kids - like the book / PJ Program
AI Dupont Hopsital - they have a kids play/ craft area
Soliders - via Keystone Soldiers
Salvation Army

I'm not very likely to give to things like the school sports teams, but my kids are in band and chorus, so I do the fundraisers for them and donations for basket raffles and such.