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Do you remember your first kiss, or hug?


Part Of The Furniture
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So, do you remember your first kiss or hug? No, we're not talking about a kiss from your family, but from a significant other - I believe I got my first kiss and hug at the age of 15, by an 18 year girl. lol, she wasn't all that cute though.

How about you?
Yes. I got my first kiss at 7 years old by my first girlfriend. We was together for 8 years. :) Broke up last year.
I got my first kiss at about age 13. Nothing more happened between us though. She wasn't too cute either.
Well I got a lot of hugs but sadly I didn't get any kiss unless you count the check and jus ton the lips kiss.
When I was 14, that would be 3 years ago. It was at school in the gym with my then girlfriend who I still keep in touch with it. Just friends now though.
I had my first proper kiss with tongue and all at a once a month disco when i was 13. They are called Blue Light Disco's, for ages 13 to 17 i think. Play alot of awesome songs and such (Mumbo Number 5!) Gee im old and im only 23!

But yeah, she chose me to dance, lucky me haha. Just dancing and, didnt even know her for long, what maybe 30 minutes, and we were all over eachother. Good first experience i must say hahaha. All the friends were cheering and all that.

Then again what do you expect from a disco for everyone going through puberty!

Mind you, that relationship lasted what, 2 weeks, not even that? She broke up with me, haha, her excuse was that her mother didnt let me see her anymore - even though i saw her once after that at the swimming pool.
Do I ever.

I was in year 2 in school so I was about 8 years old.
This girl pulled me into a cloak room and smacked one right on me.
Was amazing to say the very least.
I'll be the odd ball and say, that I do not fully recall who was the first girl I kissed. Maybe because there was a lot of kisses in between then and now. Some of them better than others, but all of them had each their own memory.
I don't remember my first hug. I don't think thats so important. But i do remember my first kiss.
Still haven't had my first kiss. I'm planning on getting it soon though. :evillaugh:
Yeah, my girlfriend and I have been dating for 10 months now. It's about time I make a move..