Do you support a political party?


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
If so, who?

I personally don't dabble in politics; it doesn't interest me and I never see good results coming from any of 'em. It's usually just debate, argue, complain yadda yadda with no real improvement on anything.
None. They all try to appeal to your interests with promises, yet when they're in power they don't follow through with those promises (unless it benefits them) so the opposition will then make the same promises and this cycle repeats itself continuously.
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i don't care much for politics, but i am very liberally minded.

i haven't even registered to vote, to be honest, mainly because if i did i would be the only person in my family to register as a dem.
I'm a Conservative, so the closest party I have to support is the Republican party. Of course I don't trust politicians as a whole. Regardless of party.
Now when I say 'support' I mean 'vote' because I sure as hell don't give money to any party.
Technically speaking though, I'm a registered Republican according to Texas state laws, since I vote in the Republican primary. However, I do find many politicians in the Republican party to be RINOs (Republican In Name Only) and therefore they do not align with what I believe in and therefore I do not vote for them in-particular.

Overall I find politics is a 'lesser of two evils' sort of deal anyway, except for those rare occasions when someone who is actually right, and would be great, comes along. Very, very, very rarely does this happen though. So it's not as though I just blindly vote for someone by virtue of being in the same party as them. I see politics as a necessary evil, and government as needing to be kept in check - as absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's why I choose to be involved in politics and vote. Granted, I hate politics all the same, hate the government, hate the masses and such and such, but if I don't vote or participate at all then I'd have no right to complain about how ****ing stupid people are according to this ****. Why wouldn't I have the right if I didn't vote or participate? Because to not make the choice is making the choice to not care. If I really don't care about politics, I wouldn't have anything to complain about.

Also I think that I should have a say in who is in charge. I may be outnumbered by morons but not voting wont help matters any.

That's my opinion on that matter at least. *shrugs*
Although at the moment I'm not all that concerned with politics, since it's just an unnecessary headache, but I monitor the radar for anything I deem worthy of getting involved in.
Nope. There is honestly not a single politician in the US that I'd trust to fix my car, much less run our government. They're all so elitist, self-serving and full of ****, it boggles the mind to see people flocking to the polls under the delusion that their precious "R" or "D" has any plan aside from betraying the American worker and obsequience to their Wall Street overlords.
As much as I'm interested in politics, I don't support a party. Why? Because it doesn't matter who's in power. They all follow the same economics philosopher, they all offer the same things, they only vary very slightly and always say what you want to hear. We don't really have a choice so it kinda sucks. Watch out for UKIP, they're gonna be overtaking the Lib Dems in a couple of years~~ shh they're secretly fascist.oopsilied,theyrejustsupernationalistic
I'm more conservative than liberal, but I believe I'd go for the independent party.

Side note: I can't ****ing stand when people assume all politicians are the same or have the same moral conduct. I refuse to use these asinine comments when referring to the totality of government leaders. In my opinion, you're a ****ing idiot if you think all of them are the same.
Side note: I can't ****ing stand when people assume all politicians are the same or have the same moral conduct. I refuse to use these asinine comments when referring to the totality of government leaders. In my opinion, you're a ****ing idiot if you think all of them are the same.

Same ****, different assholes.
Side note: I can't ****ing stand when people assume all politicians are the same or have the same moral conduct. I refuse to use these asinine comments when referring to the totality of government leaders. In my opinion, you're a ****ing idiot if you think all of them are the same.

They're 'practically' the same especially in comparison to the past. Of course, they have different policies, but basically the three main parties have come closer together, Labour more so than Conservative, and so in that sense I feel no party is truly individualistic, therefore I feel it doesn't matter to me who's in government because my main concern is the economy, which will get better or worse despite any party in governments changes due to the fact Britain's main supply relies on imports and other countries.

Also, this is UK politics that I've studied about. I'm not applying it outside of the UK considering what I've learned about politics in the USA is that the parties are distinctively different.
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It worries me that our youth mostly does not take interest in politics because of how much disbelief there is in it. There's also this spirit that we lost, because I think most of us did not need to manifest/fight for our rights?
Honestly, I tried many times to understand the hierarchy, the different rules, etc, but there's so much to it.... (so many different types of ruling a country, also) I can easily say I am almost an ignorant when it comes to this.
I still have to take the time to develop this part in myself because honestly, when I read the title and realize I don't have an answer, it alarms me.