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Do you take New Year resolutions...


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I don't, since nothing is resolute in life, i wonder y take one if you are probably going to break it.....:D
If you take a resolution, i would like to know what that would be (only if it doesn't bother you guys)

Wishing you guys an advance New Year wishes..........:wink:
No more resolutions anymore.. I am not able to keep up the promise within half of an hour time period.. So no more resolutions :D
I don't do New Year resolutions because I think it's very stupid if you want to do something that you wait till New Year to do it. New Year means nothing people, if you want to do something do it now.
I almost agree with you. I definitely think youre going to break it but its really more there to motivate you to try and better yourself. If you want to quit smoking but you end up breaking it 5 months later... thats 5 months you didn't smoke and thats better than 5 months of smoking.
Braingobbler said:
I almost agree with you. I definitely think youre going to break it but its really more there to motivate you to try and better yourself. If you want to quit smoking but you end up breaking it 5 months later... thats 5 months you didn't smoke and thats better than 5 months of smoking.
Anyone that waits for New Year to try and quit smoking, or try and do anything for that matter clearly does not really want to do it and will give up.
Jason said:
No more resolutions anymore.. I am not able to keep up the promise within half of an hour time period.. So no more resolutions :D

I feel for you, Jason. I used to make up resolutions as a kid but would consider myself lucky if I even kept them for a day. So I've actually given up on trying to make resolutions anymore myself.