I am not a westerner. I am from South Asia. My father worked as a journalist, therefore, I have been watching western media for a long time and I personally feel that western media is very biased, they don't represent non-western issues properly. If you don't believe me try watching CNN and BBC and compare the news with Al Jazeera reporting.
From my experience all media to an extent is bias, because humans are all going to have their own bias which will be reflected in how they report the news. I think it is a case of watching all news with a knowledge of the potential bias and factoring that into your opion on the news story. Something by comparing articles from more that one news outlet can help remove some one the levels of bias from the core facts .
I think all news is biased to some degree because the news company will always have some kind of agenda most likely due to who owns the company and what they profit from. I've found that a lot of Western media over here plays down certain issues because it's not 'close to home' so people don't really care about it even if what is happening is awful.
They always overhype what belongs to the west. They would downplay the same thing if it is being achieved outside the West. They always have positions and agenda they want to push out per time.