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Does anyone have a MAC?


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I am considering getting a mac since the kids PC crashed, and I need to replace it. I think I will give them the old Dell and we will get a new one. So I am considering an iMAC, but am hesitant since I have never worked on one before. My DH is extreemly computer illiterate and I am thinking a MAC may be easier for him to navigate. Advice? Opinions?
I started with a Apple 2+ back in the dark ages with a master and slave drive (!) and continued buying them because my husband is a PC tech - no worries he'd be "fixing" things. I currently use an iMac with a 27" monitor and it rocks; will be adding a laptop to my family in a few months.
Once you have a Mac you will wonder where it's been all your life. Umm yeah I have never worked anywhere where they didn't have Macs. My former place of employment back in the 1980's had a Lisa. It was all new and hip at the time. Hahaha I have to laugh at how small the screen was but for it's day it was so cool.

So come to the dark side and get a Mac. You'll love it!
Once you go Mac, you never go back. :) LOVE mine. And at work I have a PC, so I have to transfer back and forth at times and I never have problems. I have Microsoft Word on mine. It's an old version but I have no problems going back and forth with my PC at work.

DH is not good at computers, but he handles the Mac fabulously! Kids use it all the time too!
They are WORTH the investment! My Mac is "old" and it's still running just fine. No worries about viruses or anything ever.
Another Mac lover here.

You can find quality used ones on Craigslist, too. We have a 21-inch (??) iMac in our living room we got a couple of years ago, still going strong.

DH loved Macs from before we were married. I got one 2 years ago after going through 3 PC laptops in 3 years and kept having problems. No problems for me now....And they retain value, too, if you ever want to upgrade you can resell much easier than PCs.
We've been using/buying Mac's for about 12 years now. We've always purchased ours from Apple directly but always bought refurbs and never had an issue. I had no problem learning to use a mac, neither have our kids. We also bought my mom an iMac a few years ago and she is computer illiterate and she has no problems using it. Totally worth every penny you spend on it. We've never had to "replace" a broken Mac but as our family has grown, we've added to our Mac collection, donated one to church, gave one to a sister and all are still running just fine.
hate apple, hate mac. it was the first computer i ever got. i got that cute lil snazzy colorful one. everyone said it was the thing to get since it was idiot proof. i had to reboot it every time i used it. they had a convenient reset button because they new it stunk. i got a pc and it was natural. i am considering getting an ipad 2 if they go cheap enough. just for a toy. like a giant ipod touch. macs are too expensive too.
LOVE Mac! I had a pc, and lost everything on it multiple times. I hated it, and had nothing but problems. Then I got a Mac Mini and loved it, and now I have a Macbook and love it. I would never buy anything else but Mac again.
i am in the minority. but i do not do anything special on computers. maybe if i had a business or worked at an office, or was not half a century old and hard to teach new things. stuck in her ways. i love my 1tb pc with a 37inch monitor.

We're a Mac house too. I'm using a MacBook (from work) at the moment. We also have 10 year old iMac...works fine...slowly (by today's standards), but fine. My husband has a 27 inch I7 iMac in the basement that runs his recording studio. Highly recommend the switch. :)
I started with a Apple 2+ back in the dark ages with a master and slave drive (!) and continued buying them because my husband is a PC tech - no worries he'd be "fixing" things. I currently use an iMac with a 27" monitor and it rocks; will be adding a laptop to my family in a few months.

This is what I have ............. purchased mine 4 yrs ago and LOVE it. Did quite a bit of research on it before purchasing because they are expensive, but VERY WELL worth the $$$$$. If/when I need a new one, it will definitely be a MAC. Once you go mac, you'll never go back.