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Does music make your mood better/make you creative?


Part Of The Furniture
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When I have music playing, I'm more creative because it pumps me up, and motivates me - how about you? Is music a huge part of your life?

I know it is with me.
Same here, music pumps me up, and motivates me as well. It always keeps me in a good mood. Anytime I dont feel good, I listen to music and it always helps.
Honestly, I go a little nuts without music. Music isn't a huge part of my life, but it makes the days a lot easier. if I didn't have music...Id be a pretty grumpy person.
Music usually makes me more pumped and sociable. :)
Music definitely has the ability to sway my mood one way or another depending on what I want to feel like. If I'm angry but for what ever reason I actually feel sad I'll turn on some hard core metal or screamo music :)
Honestly, I go a little nuts without music. Music isn't a huge part of my life, but it makes the days a lot easier. if I didn't have music...Id be a pretty grumpy person.
Same here, music does change your mood and makes you feel better.
It used to, but now i prefer peace and quiet. I suppose that's what happens when you get older :(
It used to, but now i prefer peace and quiet. I suppose that's what happens when you get older :(
Different people like different things :) I always use to like being in peace and quiet bur now I find it pretty boring. I love to have a good song on to keep me occupied. :)
I can't get anywhere with a design unless I have some nice tunes on.

I find i get frustrated a lot more with out it.
Yes definitely, I'm always listening to music of some type. Usually on Pandora with some dance up mashups playing in the background.
Really makes the day fly by!

I get lost in my work much easier if music is playing. When music isn't playing I'm much more conscious of how long something is taking and more likely how much time I'm wasting.
I can't get anywhere with a design unless I have some nice tunes on.

I find i get frustrated a lot more with out it.
What are some of your favorite tunes?
I get lost in my work much easier if music is playing. When music isn't playing I'm much more conscious of how long something is taking and more likely how much time I'm wasting.
I sometimes have to turn the music down so it's just light background music because of this. Or I'll find music that doesn't have a lot of vocals when I'm working.
I sometimes have to turn the music down so it's just light background music because of this. Or I'll find music that doesn't have a lot of vocals when I'm working.
I've been listening to smooth jazz on shout cast recently while working. I find that it keeps me moving at a good pace.

Never though I'd hear "I've been listening to Jazz" come out of my mouth/keyboard, lol.
Music is huge for me. It can get you out of a funk. Or it can put you in the right mindset. I recently had a falling out with someone and I was really sad about it. But I couldn't shake the feelings. So as I'm driving a song comes on that was perfectly matched to my circumstances and because of it I was able to snap out the funk that this fall out caused me. So music is very powerful and used correctly it can really impact all facets of your life. I wonder if they use music in certain type of therapies?
Yes, music is very important to me. It helps me focus on what I am doing, I also find I am very creative when I have a song on that reminds me of something!
Music is huge for me. It can get you out of a funk. Or it can put you in the right mindset. I recently had a falling out with someone and I was really sad about it. But I couldn't shake the feelings. So as I'm driving a song comes on that was perfectly matched to my circumstances and because of it I was able to snap out the funk that this fall out caused me. So music is very powerful and used correctly it can really impact all facets of your life. I wonder if they use music in certain type of therapies?
I know they use classical music sometimes in mental hospitals.