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Does religion own morality ?


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Does religion own morality ? Does this mean we would be savages without it? If they it does own morality why is there only 10 commandments ?? Thoughts?
No, not really. I mean, Communist China bans internet porn. Also, a person can have class without religion. For instance, a lot of webmasters might not run porn sites - simply cause it makes them look/feel trashy.
we see empathy in chimpanzees. we see love and devotion from our pets and they have no god. the religious say "well what stops you from raping and murdering people if there is no long term consequence?" and i say "ehh i dont want to rape and murder anyone and i never have. but this tells me that you want to but chose not too which is frightening lol when i say "you" i dont actually mean you im talking about the religious people who have said this to me in case there is confusion lol
we see empathy in chimpanzees. we see love and devotion from our pets and they have no god. the religious say "well what stops you from raping and murdering people if there is no long term consequence?" and i say "ehh i dont want to rape and murder anyone and i never have. but this tells me that you want to but chose not too which is frightening lol when i say "you" i dont actually mean you im talking about the religious people who have said this to me in case there is confusion lol

This is sort of a weak argument when looked at closely. For one thing, a lot of people could be driven over the edge to murder - even people who think it couldn't happen. One thing at play is the environment which can go from normal to horrible overnight.

Also, Christians never said people are driven toward the worst sins, necessarily. However, though, little sins can lead to big ones - and the point of the religion is to free people from sin - in general.
yeah . its so black and white with them no middle ground in any argument lol. obviously you can tell im an atheist but i dont mind people believing it whatever they like but when they start saying they own morality and try to put their beliefs on me and try tell me how i should conduct myself thats when i have a problem lol
yeah . its so black and white with them no middle ground in any argument lol. obviously you can tell im an atheist but i dont mind people believing it whatever they like but when they start saying they own morality and try to put their beliefs on me and try tell me how i should conduct myself thats when i have a problem lol

There is definitely a culture war and frankly, it's getting deadly. I mean, if you're open minded, you might approve of the gay lifestyle, while Christians would want it in the closet.
yeah, it also says that we shouldnt eat shellfish or mixed clothing in the same book were it mentions homosexuality is a sin in the old testament "but since we like wearing different types of clothes and shellfish tastes awesome we will forget about that but we shall kill all the **** because im a homophobe and god doesnt like them!!" cherry picking at its finest lol
yeah, it also says that we shouldnt eat shellfish or mixed clothing in the same book were it mentions homosexuality is a sin in the old testament "but since we like wearing different types of clothes and shellfish tastes awesome we will forget about that but we shall kill all the **** because im a homophobe and god doesnt like them!!" cherry picking at its finest lol

Considering how up in the air specific judgments are, I'd rather at least not have the federal government involved. However, with both the left, right, and alt-right, there is a massive move to boss people around.
Being religious does not make you morally right. If that was the case why did Christians kill a lot of people in the middle ages, why are Muslims still killing people in the name of religion. A strong belief in religion will make you an extremist.