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"Don't Forget!"

I was pointing out that there are several holidays that coincide around this time of year. and that Jesus is NOT the only reason for the season so to speak. and its NOT a seperate ARGUEMENT it is historical FACT that Jesus was NOT born this time of year. The celebration of his bith was MOVED to this time of year to better assimilate pagans in to the Christian relgion.

Sati, I understand your point and if the discussion was about December, then you would be correct. But we are discussing Christmas, the holiday of Christmas. As Christians we celebrate the birth of Christ in December and call that day Christmas. Now unless you are saying that other religions celebrate Christmas (not whatever the name of their holiday is in December) than the fact remains Christmas is about Christ.
I understand what the first three places were selling, but the last one?

The last one was quite clearly reminding parents not to forget what the church has done to small children.
Joan, Thank You for posting a simple cartoon which makes a point to remind those of us who celebrate CHRISTMAS that it is about the birth our our Lord Jesus Christ, hence the Nativity scene picturing Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Though it's easy to get caught up in the decorating and gift giving, the Gospel I hear in church at Mass on Christmas Day is about Christ's birth and I know that is the main point of this wonderful day, ..... though yes, we do need to be reminded of that fact occasionally.

Of course there are other religions, other celebrations, other holy days ...... I am happy to wish my other religion-ed friends Happy Holidays..... When someone is wished a Happy Hanukkah or a Happy Eid al-Adha, I think it's proper and appropriate to extend those same greetings, without calling to mind all the other holidays that weren't mentioned, no? I don't think it's right to dismiss MY holy day just because there are many others.

I agree with Joan here... if there has to be argument, I'm IN!

If it's just a pot stirring for fun thing, then I have way many other things I need to be doing.....
And before folks get too bent out of shape, remember I was an altar boy. My older brother was abused - I surely would have been, too, if the offender hadn't been transferred out of our parish.
Apparently not literal enough.


Historically speaking Christmas was not celebrated for Christ. and the cartoon was NON specific while even incorporating pagan aspects in to it IE tree lights. Christmas trees are rooted in Pagan history and worship.
Joan, Thank You for posting a simple cartoon which makes a point to remind those of us who celebrate CHRISTMAS that it is about the birth our our Lord Jesus Christ, hence the Nativity scene picturing Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Though it's easy to get caught up in the decorating and gift giving, the Gospel I hear in church at Mass on Christmas Day is about Christ's birth and I know that is the main point of this wonderful day, ..... though yes, we do need to be reminded of that fact occasionally.

Of course there are other religions, other celebrations, other holy days ...... I am happy to wish my other religion-ed friends Happy Holidays..... When someone is wished a Happy Hanukkah or a Happy Eid al-Adha, I think it's proper and appropriate to extend those same greetings, without calling to mind all the other holidays that weren't mentioned, no? I don't think it's right to dismiss MY holy day just because there are many others.

I agree with Joan here... if there has to be argument, I'm IN!

If it's just a pot stirring for fun thing, then I have way many other things I need to be doing.....

I was not dismissing anything. Merely making a point that this time of year is not Celebrated as Christmas for CHRIST as much as most christians think it is. It is originally celebrated to convert pagans when thier practices were OUTLAWED.

I prefer to celebrate His birth around the actual TIME of his birth. Just a personal preference.
And before folks get too bent out of shape, remember I was an altar boy. My older brother was abused - I surely would have been, too, if the offender hadn't been transferred out of our parish.

Huggles its a very painful reality the abuses that have gone on by the Church. I am sorry your old brother had to deal with that and that your whole family has had to. ♥
Historically speaking Christmas was not celebrated for Christ. and the cartoon was NON specific while even incorporating pagan aspects in to it IE tree lights. Christmas trees are rooted in Pagan history and worship.

You must have overlooked the Nativity scene in the cartoon. Fairly specific.


Time to relax with the pooches for a while.
I was not dismissing anything. Merely making a point that this time of year is not Celebrated as Christmas for CHRIST as much as most christians think it is. It is originally celebrated to convert pagans when thier practices were OUTLAWED.

I prefer to celebrate His birth around the actual TIME of his birth. Just a personal preference.

This has to be simple pot stirring. Otherwise your posts are worse than watching a dog chase her tail. Pointless.
Sati, I understand your point and if the discussion was about December, then you would be correct. But we are discussing Christmas, the holiday of Christmas. As Christians we celebrate the birth of Christ in December and call that day Christmas. Now unless you are saying that other religions celebrate Christmas (not whatever the name of their holiday is in December) than the fact remains Christmas is about Christ.

I get that in modern times most people do not realize WHY Christmas is this time of year. WHY the celebration of His birth was literally MOVED to this time of year. It isjust that in a more literal sense, historically speaking. Christmas was less to do with Christ's birth and more to do with the things I have posted about. I just sometimes feel like people who are christian overlook and dismiss not only other religious observences this time of year but even the history of thier own faith.

We celebrate Christmas but not as Christ's birth in our house. Because to me the historical issues with the holiday leave a bad taste in my mouth. We incorporate most of the traditional practices and as my son grows up and is able to understand , we are teaching him about the various histories behind those things. Like Holy, Christmas trees, Mistletoe, and gift giving.

In the spring we actually cebebrate completely differently with a smaller holiday in revering the Gift of Christ to this world and what his Birth , life and Death meant for Human kind.

we are weird what can i say.
This has to be simple pot stirring. Otherwise your posts are worse than watching a dog chase her tail. Pointless.

It is pot stirring in that I know that most of you dont even know your own religious histories and tend to dismiss the holidays and beliefs of other religious. anything on this site can become pot stirring. It is so nice that MY beliefs are considered pointless and are dismissed. Even if they are based on HISTORICAL FACT.
I'll walk away then because anything I have to say will be dismissed anyways. right? because it is not classically christian and falling in line with the religious self rightous.
You are not going to be able to win any argument by taking the position that Christmas is not about the birth of Jesus. You can talk yourself in circles but you're getting yourself nowhere.

Christmas commerates the birth of Jesus Christ. It's not about the actual date. It's about the fact that He was born. It is about celebrating that miraculous fact. You can drag paganism into any thread you like, but those of us who are people of faith will not let this nonsense go uncontested. I can guarantee you that.

The last one was quite clearly reminding parents not to forget what the church has done to small children...And before folks get too bent out of shape, remember I was an altar boy. My older brother was abused - I surely would have been, too, if the offender hadn't been transferred out of our parish.

I am bent out of shape because you said the church, I go to a church to worship and my church is not catholic so you being an altar boy has nothing to do with my church.

And before you get bent out of shape, I think it is pretty arrogant to assume that Christmas is only for the Christians of the Catholic faith and to turn the celebration of Christ into something that is directly related to one denomination.

For what you and your family experienced I am sorry, not as a Catholic, but as a human being. Unfortunately however human beings run all churches on this side of heaven and since they are not Christ, they sin constantly. Sadly their sins are so horrific sometimes that it makes people's perception of Christ skewed.

I was not dismissing anything. Merely making a point that this time of year is not Celebrated as Christmas for CHRIST as much as most christians think it is. It is originally celebrated to convert pagans when thier practices were OUTLAWED.

I prefer to celebrate His birth around the actual TIME of his birth. Just a personal preference.

That is perfectly fine, but I am sure no one will come to you in the Spring when you celebrate Christ's birth and say, it is not reay about Christ because it is really Memorial Day or Good Friday (and yes the whole thing with Good Friday and Easter, etc is also placed at that time for the same pagen reasons you previously mentioned)

The point is that although the celebration was moved to that time it does not mean that we are not celebrating it. If my DH was away for his birthday in a war or something and we celbrated his birthday when he came home 6 months later, we are still celebrating his birthday, we are still rejoicing in the fact that he was born. The date we do it does not change the reason.
We celebrate Christmas but not as Christ's birth in our house. Because to me the historical issues with the holiday leave a bad taste in my mouth. We incorporate most of the traditional practices and as my son grows up and is able to understand , we are teaching him about the various histories behind those things. Like Holy, Christmas trees, Mistletoe, and gift giving.

I can respect your feeling this way as the reason for moving the time of year was/is something that is often covered up. I guess the point being made is that it was only called Christmas when it was about Christ and that is why we are saying Christmas (the word, the holiday) is to celebrate Christ's birth.

It is pot stirring in that I know that most of you dont even know your own religious histories and tend to dismiss the holidays and beliefs of other religious. anything on this site can become pot stirring. It is so nice that MY beliefs are considered pointless and are dismissed. Even if they are based on HISTORICAL FACT.
I'll walk away then because anything I have to say will be dismissed anyways. right? because it is not classically christian and falling in line with the religious self rightous.

I love a good debate that can remain on point and that doesn't result in name calling to prove a point. i love to learn new things and to be questioned on the things I do not know. I was reared in a church that believed that we must know why we believe what we believe. Religions are all based upon some level of faith (believing that we can not see or touch imperically) but I enjoy knowing ___ and __ are the reasons I do not agree with practicing this religion rather than I am __ and that means anything else must be wrong. So all that to say I am not dismissing your points, rather embracing and respecting them as I would expect you to do with my points.
It is pot stirring in that I know that most of you dont even know your own religious histories and tend to dismiss the holidays and beliefs of other religious. anything on this site can become pot stirring. It is so nice that MY beliefs are considered pointless and are dismissed. Even if they are based on HISTORICAL FACT.

Oh my...sorry, sati...I can't let that one go. Most of us here don't really 'know' each other at all (I mean, yeah, we chat and all but not too many of us know each other IRL and there's no quiz or anything to be here, lol).

Therefore, I don't feel that your statement is fair at all. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here that is fairly well familiar with many other religions. I just don't discuss them (unless there's some reason to).
TOTALLY what mrs.melton :shesaid:

I'd be happy to wish you a Merry Christmas in spring when you prefer to celebrate it, Sati :huggy: ... and I won't even analyze or debate your decision to do so
Oh my...sorry, sati...I can't let that one go. Most of us here don't really 'know' each other at all (I mean, yeah, we chat and all but not too many of us know each other IRL and there's no quiz or anything to be here, lol).

Therefore, I don't feel that your statement is fair at all. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here that is fairly well familiar with many other religions. I just don't discuss them (unless there's some reason to).

its all good. i am walking away from the topic cause I love my peeps here too much to get in to this one any further. I should have stayed silent on it anyways. it was maybe disrespectful. maybe.LOL but i dont wanna keep that disrespect or the perception of it going. cause the peeps on this topic are folks I respect on this site. eh?
TOTALLY what mrs.melton :shesaid:

I'd be happy to wish you a Merry Christmas in spring when you prefer to celebrate it, Sati :huggy: ... and I won't even analyze or debate your decision to do so

:surrender:yes i tend to overanlyze things sometimes without considering the feelings of those I am talking to . it is a failing of mine that I am hoping to fix someday. and I apologise to anyone I offended with my posts on this topic. religious beliefs are always a hot button for folks and I would have been prudent to be more respectful on this topic.

:dunce: = me