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Ds Not A Psp


you can't picture the whole thing from 1 demo! anything could happen within the game to change your mind about it, or it could contain bugs or something.

oh course i do! you saying that metroid prime will be a 'great game' when all you know about it is that the demo is good. if you look closely on most demo's you should see a legal disclaimer stating that the demo you are playing may not be like the finished product. there's your proof. The demo you played was only a short piece of the game, how do you know that later the areas won't be small, and that it won't have crap weapons and a bad ending? you don't. not until a review, or until u play the finished game.
Ok lets say you where to receive a twisted metal 2 demo you know that twisted metal 1 was good so you know that tm2 will be great welll thats how it is for me.

nope, that's not how it works. there are plenty of games where the 1st has been great, but the 2nd is crap. the first one being good isn't enough to confirm that the next one will be good also.
Ok thats your belief so heres a link to metriodprimehunters http://www.nintendo.com/ if you really need proof but once again I can't give you a direct link so search.

ummm, how does that link prove that metroid hunters will be a good game from the demo? it proves nothing. there's no review. all i know now is that the graphics are crappy.
Fine since theres no convienceing you then I don't even need to countinue this all I wanted to show was that the plot is great and the wepons are not corny also you had to get on graphics sure the graphics may not be good but trust me graphics don't make the games it's just the skin but without the soul(gameplay) the skin is just a piece of meat that will be devoured by those of the lower masters.Now any more aguments.

first of: graphics do matter. why do you think they bother making ps3 and xbox360? cause it'll have better graphics. why do they release a new pro evo and fifa every year (apart from the obvious reason) graphics. why do people say the GC version of RE4 will remain better than the ps2 version? graphics. What is the main reason people pick on games with great gameplay (such as GTA) graphics. Graphics do matter. they make the game more real, give the characters feeling and enhance the games story. To say that graphics don't matter is stupid. sure gameplay is more important, but its often the graphics that sell a game.
~Z~ said:
first of: graphics do matter. why do you think they bother making ps3 and xbox360? cause it'll have better graphics. why do they release a new pro evo and fifa every year (apart from the obvious reason) graphics. why do people say the GC version of RE4 will remain better than the ps2 version? graphics. What is the main reason people pick on games with great gameplay (such as GTA) graphics. Graphics do matter. they make the game more real, give the characters feeling and enhance the games story. To say that graphics don't matter is stupid. sure gameplay is more important, but its often the graphics that sell a game.
First of all I've never said that graphics don't matter I just said there not the main part of the game that there just the skin.Now anwser this question with simply a yes or no would you buy a game with great graphics but all you do is pick up a glove and put it back down?Now consider this the Legend of Zelda the Windwaker had the corniest grapics ever and yet the gameplay was so fun that people brought it anyway you see graphics are just the skin sure it's important but gameplay is the soul without it the game is nothing.By the way how old are you Z.

i agree you never said graphics don't matter, but your comment they are 'just the skin' is almost as good as. And it depends what you mean by

'would you buy a game with great graphics but all you do is pick up a glove and put it back down?'

it depends on the graphics. if the graphics are say, at a PS5 level that gamers have never seen before, or even imagined, then yes i'd buy it just to experiance what will change the face of gaming forever (or most likely find it on the net)

'Now consider this the Legend of Zelda the Windwaker had the corniest grapics ever and yet the gameplay was so fun that people brought it anyway'

Ah, but would people buy it? when you see a game in the highstreet it does not say on the back of the box 'greatest gameplay ever' it just gives you a basic idea and screenshots. imagine this, you walked into a game shop, picked up the games box, looked on the back and saw the worst graphics you've ever seen in the screenshots. after a quick scan of the text you'd most probably put it back on the shelf and forget all about it, even if it turned out the game had the greatest gameplay ever. Graphic's do sell games.
Ok so you're telling me in full honesty that you would buy a game with real graphics but all you do is look at a pecil thats all nothing else you just look at it from different angles you would actally buy it knowing it's cost alot or would you rather buy a game that actally lets you play the game.Answer honsetly.Also Z how old are you in you teens or 20's or 40's?

i never said i'd pay full price. a game that only lasts a little while such as that, well, i might as well find a vid on the internet of it. But i would pay to see graphics at a ps5 level that are past any technology we know. and i am 13.
I guess I see what your saying and it's good to see I'm not the only teen.

lol, yeah, i tend to see more older people than young.

i was a little dissapointed at E3 this year...maybe that's just me? hmm...sony says the next E3 will have much more psp stuff...ages tho :(
Well I fill your sorrow as nintendo has been keeping things under wrap too about the revolotion.

what do you think the revol will be? i'm rather annoyed because whatever i think of dosen't sound good enough. they could do touch-screen pads but after doing it with the DS i don't really wanna see that. gyro-tech is poss, but its been dodgy in the past. there was rumour of that 3D projection, but that, altho good, wouldn't really revolutionize gaming would it? and a VR helmet would be to expensive i think...
Well from what i've read so far the revolotion will bring back every single game from its past to the revolotion as for controls I have no idea how that will work also the revolotion is suppose to have some kind of touch screen control but other then how it looks thats all I know I can give you a link(direct)to a nintendo revolotion info spot