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E-Butts Helping Bar Venue A Little Bit So Far, And.....


Chief Talker
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Bergen County, NJ
.....Maybe even more later?

In case you haven't run into them, these are electronic cigarettes. The "smoker" inhales from them like a normal butt, and inhales a bit of nicotine and warm water vapor that feels and tastes like smoke. The thing is, there's no TAR ( hydrocarbons, and all the other chemical additives and junk the cig mfrs. add) and no SMOKE. What is exhaled is merely water vapor- the nicotine stays with the smoker.

The point is, they are allowed to be used indoors, where regular smoking bans are in effect, because there is no second hand - or any- smoke.

I'm seeing more and more of those little blue ( and some red) lights ( the ends glow the same way as a butt does in relation to suction) in my venues. I'm also seeing a few more people that I hadn't seen for awhile.

This also means that if the users are spending more time inside ( as opposed to around 30% of their time outside smoking) they are also drinking and eating more.

I see this as good for business!

Again, so far all I'm seeing is a SMALL rise in attendence by smokers, and I'm told that the receipts are averaging slightly higher per person. However, it's enough to let me hope that if these things REALLY catch on, business will grow with them.

PLEASE NOTE: Before someone hijacks this thread into a smoking vs. non-smoking deal- This isn't about that.

The E-butts are not advertised as healthy ( there is still nicotine in them), or a way to quit. They are just for places where smoking by one who already does is inappropriate. Of course it's healthier not to smoke, but this thread is about the karaoke business, not world health...:laughpill:
Boyfriend has one--the cheaper they are, the faster they break but they sell cheapies at most of the truck stops around here. But the FDA wants to ban them--not studied enough or something.

You don't have to have the nicotine, either. Boyfriend buys a bottle of vegetable glycerin at the health food store and refills his own cartridges. He got off the nicotine with the patch and uses the e-cigs just to have something in his hand. Shouldn't use the patch and an e-cig with nicotine at the same time or you can O.D. and make yourself sick, by the way.
I have used the E-ciggs for sometime now and find them very valuble in non smoking situations. I wish I had a franchise to sell them as I could most likley sell 5-7 week. My favorite is refillable and has flavored drops available in many diffrent nicotine levels. I really like the coffee and chocotate...I had hoped to switch over completly to the e-cigg but find myself not yet able. It does keep me sane when doing 12+ hour shifts, after meals in resteraunts, when driving and at karaoke ; )
Well, I've seen them for over $50 that come in packs that recharge them, to 29.99 for ones where the flavor/vapor refills come in name brand cigarette flavors, to disposables for 9.99 that are good for 2 packs worth of smoking from 7-Eleven.

Whatever works, and brings them back to the bars......
What do these things do to your breath?

Does the vapor stain your teeth like tobacco smoke?

just curious... (former smoker)
no smokers breath....no stained teeth.
when I use mine and flavored refill drops (coffee or chocolate) my breath smells like candy and it is only nicotine vapor
in my line of work I can not smell of smoke so it works well
KJSandman said:
What do these things do to your breath?

Does the vapor stain your teeth like tobacco smoke?

just curious... (former smoker)

Nicotine doesn't stain your teeth... tar does.
"Nicotine doesn't stain your teeth... tar does"

(think of this being said with Ralph Wiggum's voice & inflection - made me laugh)
I have seen them a lot here in NY. The problem with the vapor is it looks like someone is smoking a real cigarette from a distance. There have been more than a few arguments pop up from both staff and patrons who though someone was lighting up.
Heck, some of the local bars around here will still let you light up around here especially in the winter. One actually has a kitty jar for the fines, lol.

As a smoker, I'm already tired of being at the mercy of the tax man for my smokes. $10/pack (upstate) are they for real? For that reason I make my own. I doubt it will be very long before the tax man gets his hands around the refills for e-cigarettes.

That being said I don't get the e-cigarette thing. It's a premium product I'd bet your paying more per nicotine dose then you would a regular cigarette. The water vapor given off cannot be good for your lungs. Water in your lungs = pneumonia. Not saying it's worse than cigarettes.

In an ideal world we'd all quit because it's bad for us but let's face it we're addicted. Don't kid yourself if the e-cigs take off tobacco companies will be raking in just as many obscene profits off the back of our addiction.


I completely missed the point of this thread sorry for the derail.
you would be suprised...mine paid for itself within a month. I now pay $10 for a bottle of drops that is equal to 10 cartons...yes cartons of reg smokes...the water vapor is not a problem because most of what you inhale you exhale it uses nebulizer technology. all that is absorbed is the nicotine.They do get rid of the nic fits They do not taste like a reg smoke and take a bit of getting used to...after smoking e-cigg for a couple of days a real smoke tastes horrid. I am sure that at some point they will find a way to attach taxes to them but at this point they can not do so because they are not tobacco or lit. I have read that you do need to use care in buying the drops as some are imported and have been found to contain nasties.
I heard word of mouth that they are trying to ban these electronic cigarettes.

I am a smoker too... I have used them..but I prefer the real thing.
KJSandman said:
What do these things do to your breath?

Does the vapor stain your teeth like tobacco smoke?

just curious... (former smoker)

No butt breath that I can discern. The tooth stains, though generally called nicotine stains, are actually from the "tar" ( all the chemicals in the smoke), not nicotine. This is water vapor, flavoring, and in most cases nicotine.

Though they can't claim it, I think the lack of tar and smoke probably makes them a LOT healthier- at least for the lungs- than regular burning cigarettes. That's just my opinion, with no medical ly tested backup.
Bazza said:
I have seen them a lot here in NY. The problem with the vapor is it looks like someone is smoking a real cigarette from a distance. There have been more than a few arguments pop up from both staff and patrons who though someone was lighting up.

I believe this is why most of them have blue, rather than red glowing ends now...
And again, ridiculous that they would ban them as being an addictive habit but still allow cigarettes. Most of the sites where they are sold will say that they can not promise that they are completely safe but feel they are cutting down on the chemicals that result from the burning of a cigarette. Also, you can get refills that are nothing more than vegetable glycerin, with no nicotine. For me, if a person is going to smoke, at least with these they can still choose to harm themselves while not taking me down with them. But I have always wondered if continual use would result in effects similar to those from chewing tobacco.

I can understand that they might want to regulate some of the overseas refills as rumors say they may contain bad additives. But it smells more like they are bowing to the tobacco industry in trying to ban them. I can see it ending up that only the cigarette companies are allowed to make the refills or something like that. But the FDA does have some jurisdiction over the dispensing of nicotine so they will probably win. A pharmacist I know makes the nicotine lollipops to help people quit smoking but he can't sell them without a doctor's prescription. The fact that they are compounded makes them different from just selling Nicorette, etc.

If they ban them, I hope they just ban some of the nicotine refills until they study them and still allow the devices to be sold. Boyfriend is now on months of not smoking and he uses a non-nicotine refill for his.
Even as a smoker, If the government had any teeth they would ban all tobacco. It's no good for anyone. Oh but wait, they're to busy spending the tax money from it.
possumdog said:
And again, ridiculous that they would ban them as being an addictive habit but still allow cigarettes.

They aren't trying to ban them here in New York because they are addictive, but because they are untested and unregulated as I understand it. There is no oversite. They come in off the boat from China direct to to your lips. People say they are safer, but without trials nobody really knows. They could actually be worse!

The "smoke juice" ingredients are generally unknown & vague. Most are nicotine, "flavorings" and propylene glycol. Plus there have never been any studies done about what exactly inhaling vaporized propylene glycol (or Vegetable Glycerin for that matter) does to your lungs. Propylene Glycol is a food additive and considered safe to ingest, but nobody ever tested vaporizing and inhaling it. It is also the main ingredient in "Fog Machine Juice" and what causes the smoke. Essentially, you are inhaling a tiny fog machine.

On top of all that, the simple fact that 99% of the "smoke juice" comes from China would worry me. This is the land of lead painted kids toys and poison dog food. Not exactly a trustworthy bunch! In fact in 1997 there was a case where over 100 people were poisoned because a chinese factory deliberately falsified records in order to export the cheaper diethylene glycol as the more expensive vegetable glycerin (aka Glycerol).
I was referring to the quote from the article: "Health officials say e-cigarettes are just another addictive habit, one that can hook kids early."

I wouldn't trust China, either. I have no problem with them wanting standards on the refills, especially those that contain nicotine. But they have been talking about banning them for years and could have studied them by now. My boyfriend buys food grade vegetable glycerin at the local health food store and stays away from the China imports. There is alot of info on the E-cig forums about this. Even if vegetable glycerin would turn out to have bad effects, so does smoking. At least I'm not inhaling it.
possumdog said:
I was referring to the quote from the article: "Health officials say e-cigarettes are just another addictive habit, one that can hook kids early."

I wouldn't trust China, either. I have no problem with them wanting standards on the refills, especially those that contain nicotine. But they have been talking about banning them for years and could have studied them by now. My boyfriend buys food grade vegetable glycerin at the local health food store and stays away from the China imports. There is a lot of info on the E-cig forums about this. Even if vegetable glycerin would turn out to have bad effects, so does smoking. At least I'm not inhaling it.

I hear ya. But be careful. Just because it's food grade doesn't mean its safe to vaporize & inhale. I love my coffee, but I'll bet its not such a good idea to smoke it. :p