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Easy, pre-cookable, quick breakfast ideas needed


Part Of The Furniture
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NW Indiana
Morning routine is killing us, so I need some quick (toddler friendly) breakfast ideas. We are currently eating a lot of biscuits that I just cut every 4 or so days and warm up each morning, but I don't know of anything else to do. I am not a breakfast person at all :hides:
In my freezer we have waffles, french toast, pancakes, quick breads (banana, strawberry), I make all those on my baking days.

We also have pre-cooked "breakfast burrito" fillings (scrambled eggs + breakfast sausage + green chiles). When the kids are on a roll of liking that, I make a batch and keep it in the fridge, it stays good for about 3-4 days (stays good longer than it lasts). They scoop some into a tortilla, put on a bit of cheese, then nuke for 30 seconds.

About once a month I make 2 dz ****ins (all different kinds) and put them in the freezer. They thaw in the microwave in 30 sec.
Nothing very creative here but we make pancakes and waffles and hard boiled eggs on the weekends so they are ready for the week. I also bake bacon in the oven on the weekend and that's ready to go during the week too.

If we are running late, it's a cereal and 1/2 a banana for breakfast morning ... we have that at least once or twice a week LOL.

On the days where we have a little more time, it's either:
pancakes and fruit
waffles and fruit
toast, 1 slice of bacon, and fruit
hard boiled egg and fruit

Now that winter is coming, we'll be doing chocolate oatmeal or oatmeal with sliced bananas on top. My kids love both of those.
I so want one of those Baby-cakes mini-waffle-stick makers...

waffles and mini-pancakes (use hands) freeze pretty well
Pinterest has a few recipes for "Egg ****ins". Scrambled eggs with whatever your kids like mixed in, bacon, broccoli, mushrooms, cheese, etc. Pour into ****in tins and bake. Keep them in the fridge and microwave for a few seconds in the morning.
Breakfast Pizza Margherita

Now you can let the kids have pizza for breakfast with this healthy English ****in-version. The tang of the tomatoes, the creaminess from the cheese and the fresh burst of basil are just as delicious in the morning.

Ohhh! Interesting here's a recipe for homemade granola bars. Anyone ever made their own?

Homemade Granola Bar

What you need:
2 cups old-fashioned oatmeal
1 cup sliced almonds
1 cup shredded coconut, loosely packed
1/4 cup flax seeds
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
2/3 cup honey
1/4 cup dark brown sugar, lightly packed
1-1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. kosher salt
1 cup dried fruit, chopped (apricots, dates, cranberries, blueberries, raisins, etc.)

Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F. Butter an 8 by 12-inch baking dish and line it with parchment paper.

Toss the oatmeal, almonds, and coconut together on a sheet pan and bake for 10 to 12 minutes, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned. Transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl and stir in the flax seeds.

Place the butter, honey, brown sugar, vanilla, and salt in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.* Cook and stir for a minute, then pour over the toasted oatmeal mixture. Add the dried fruit and stir well.

Pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Wet your fingers and lightly press the mixture evenly into the pan. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until light golden brown. Cool for at least 2 to 3 hours before cutting. Wrap in individual servings and store in your pantry.
10 Easy Breakfast Recipes for Kids

LOL...thanks for the laugh Joy and Kathy and the info.

My 3 year old is really picky, she doesnt like food to touch, she will ONLY eat brown and serve sausages (I blame that on MIL)...loves bacon though.

Do grits, oatmeal, cream of wheat store well or freeze?

I know it is not much work to make it, but time just gets away from me and it does take time to make. Those are some of their favorite morning meals (but they have to be eaten before they get dressed too) Kix and Cheerios are the only cereals we have given them. I will explore a few more maybe. 3 year old is pretty good with not making a mess when eating, the 2 year old (newly 2 last month) is still mastering not making a mess. They do much better now that we dont use the high chair and the 2 year old proudly showed me she drank all her milk without wasting...but we still have time to go before cereal and milk will be a good for them with no mess.
Farina and grits will keep in the fridge all week, but you will need to add more milk when you want to serve them.

My boys also really like a pancake wrapped around a breakfast sausage. I will admit sometimes if we are out of sausage they will have it with a hotdog :lol:
I used to make a big pot of oatmeal on Sunday night...DS & I would have it for supper, then he'd eat it for breakfast, (sometimes supper) the rest of the week...I'd just heat a bowlful in the microwave...

We always freeze our extra pancakes & french toast...warm them up in the toaster or microwave...

Precooked bacon is a life saver for us...even though weight-wise, there's not as much in the box...it's about the same # of servings, and way less the mess...
I had to stop buying precooked bacon (went exponentially above the price point). Now I get a pound of bacon, cook it on a sheet pan in the oven until only about crisp, then cool & keep in a container in the fridge. Then the kids can just heat it up themselves. It comes up about the same as the precooked stuff.
Oatmeal cooks up in a jif in the microwave!

I've also been spreading cream cheese on a waffle and topping with fresh fruit like strawberries, raspberries or bananas..that's been a big hit around here lately.
It's just fancy ham. My DD love it but I don't buy it much because it's like $18 a pound. Hell NO I'll buy a ham at Costco for them instead.

But aren't your DD's older? Watch the deli at Marianos they sell the "ends" (their idea of an "end" is generous) cheap.