Election Results?


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
So, who will be president? Leave it to the bumblers in Florida to muck up our system.

I think right now that Bush will win. Why you might ask? Well his brother is governor of the state in quetsion and the women in charge of the FLA election rules a big Bush supporter. Is that really why? I doubt, mostly because I think they would heve screwed any wrongdoing up. Why then, because I'm a pessimist and I love Buffalo sports teams which have lost 6 major league championships in my life time (many closely) so I am used to it, but man I still love 'em.

OK, so I think Bush will win. But, for what it's worth, I do not and will not accept him as the legitimate presidnt. This is because of Florida's system of voting. They use a punch-card system which I have never heard of until this election. It is a card where you punch out little perforated squares to indicate your selection. The problem is that the squares tend not to rip completely off and that sometimes they close back up going through the counting machines. This is why hand counting is needed. So, what do we have in Florida? We have an outdated voting system that marks about 5% of the votes as blank. Then in a very democratic county we have a ballot that has two things wrong with it: 1. Gore is place third after the reform party, so many people saw Bush first and made the poor assumption that the next hole would be for Gore; 2. The ballot that was shown in the paper was slightly differnt than the actual one, although the gore/bush/buchanon part was not changed. Both of these cause the ballot to be illegal since. So we then have about 3,000 voted for Buchanon (out of 19,000 in the whole country) that even he says can't be for him.

If you saw a poll that said 48% want 1 guy and 48% want another with a margin of error of +/- of 5% you would be wise to ignore it. Well, that's what we have here folks. Only the +/- might be worse than 5%.

What's the solution? That's the joke there isn't one.
The only thing close would be a Florida revote (only for the people who voted the first time), but that would take forever in the courts.

The longtterm solution is a reworking of the election system which must at the very least include:

1. a removal of electors from the process, since even now, one elector from many states could change sides and shift the whole election. No one should have that power

2. the requirement of all presidential elections to have mechanical voting booths or some other way that does not lose votes.

I think if the electors remain, because we have to leave it the way the founding fathers wanted it, then we must return the Constitution to its original form where each elector got 2 votes and the person with the most becomes pres and the seconf becomes vp. I would be perfectly happy with those 2 both in the Whitehouse. Hey congress is looking more even than ever, why not the presidency. Plus it might be fun like in this week's SNL Odd Couple routine.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing

<font color="#000000">[Edited by jourgenson on November 14, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
I think www.stratfor.com summed this up pretty well in their election article that was sent out Monday night. Whoever wins is going to be a discredited president. If Bush wins, he's going to be the president who got in when the people voted for Gore. If Gore wins, he's going to be the president who got in through political maneouvering.

From the Word Association thread.
Me: Splat.
Mth: PsychoticIckyThing
Me: Genius
Mth: ::snort::
i really don't see a big change in policies if either guy becomes prez.. even though the majority of congress are Republicans.. the split is really close to 50-50.. basically nothing high profile will be passed by this congress. e.g. Bush's idea of opening up alaska for oil wells.. heh.. yeah rite.. that's not gonna pass.. MARK MY WORDS
It'd better not! :angry:

From the Word Association thread.
Me: Splat.
Mth: PsychoticIckyThing
Me: Genius
Mth: ::snort::
Well, being the Flordian that I am...you will understand when I say that I take offense to your remark about the "bumblers in flrodia!!"

I think that our country is that stupid to believe that florida is stupid! All we did here was VOTE!! Yeah that's right..we voted...the election was close and they HAD to demand a recount! Well, BOTH sides of the campaigns started all this other crap!! All we are doing here is RECOUNTING...which I think is the stupidest thing that I have ever heard of....how many times can you recount the cards?? I mean you can count the number of letters in the alphabet...and each time it's still gonnna be 26 letters!!

I think our country is acting immature and looks stupid to other countries around the world! We need to full together and elect a freakin president!!!
Yep, our country does look stupid because we allow states to choose outdated and inefficient voting methods (i.e. punchcards) where a certain percentage of votes are lost in every election. This doesn't happen to anywhere near this extent with modern or even slightly modern polling methods.

Florida chose poorly. Also, what's up with a state without car inspections?

By the way the reason for recounts is that the machines are very apt to ignore votes when the punch card flap, or "chad", is not removed completely. Which often heppens since people were not properly informed and did not make sure the chads were removed.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
I think that due to the stupid Palm Beach ballot, and other ones like it, recounts need to be completed. Any legal maneouvring by the Bush side is just going to delay the recounts, and if Bush succeeds, greatly reduce his legitimacy as president.

From the Word Association thread.
Me: Splat.
Mth: PsychoticIckyThing
Me: Genius
Mth: ::snort::
A recount will not repair what has been done by the Palm Beach ballot. A hand recount will only confirm the illegitimate Buchanon votes. It can't turn those into votes for anyone else. At the best it could ignore all of them, but who would that help?

I still think a hand recount is necessary though to remove the inaccuracies of the machines.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
I think we should just say screw this crap and make me president!

"No man can be condemed for owning a dog.
As long as he has a dog, he has a friend;
and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has."

- Will Rogers

Loyalty and love are the best things of all, and surely the most lasting. -- My Dog Skip
Who the?

From the Word Association thread.
Me: Splat.
Mth: PsychoticIckyThing
Me: Genius
Mth: ::snort::
Don't tell me you've never heard of Bloom County? You know, the comic strip with Bill the Cat and Opus Croakus (penguin). It's not like I mentioned Pogo Possum and Churchy LaFemme.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
Remember I'm a just a poor little Aussie...

"Don't let what's never been consume you like the night. To regret is to lose the fight." - Dalriada
Has anyone won yet? I haven't been following anymore...got old, ya know?

"Always do the opposite of what people say"

"Always respect your fellow trumpeteres...or face the consequences!"
yes, Bush won. Assuming 2 (which would cause a tie) or 3 (which would cause a Gore win) don't vote the opposite way.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
Yeah, I heard Gore's concession speech on the radio this morning...*sigh*
oh well

"Always do the opposite of what people say"

"Always respect your fellow trumpeteres...or face the consequences!"
*stares blankly at scarier*

Why am I of the opinon that you like him?
All 10 suck!

"Always do the opposite of what people say"

"Always respect your fellow trumpeteres...or face the consequences!"
I think both presidential candidants acted rather foolishly, and I'm sick to think that one of them now runs my country.... may God help America, cause its gonna go down the tubes....

******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
Hey, it's all good, cuz when I rule the world then you won't hafta put up with a moron, just a psycho! hehe

And yes, I agree with Jabberwock. Clinton should've been able to still be president, cuz he was good!

Ra rules!
Trumpets rule!
Games rule!
I rule!