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Electric interruption


Legend Of The Universe
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Hey, soupers!

The evil electric outrages was. How it was?
Hope that this electrical interruptions did not affect on You and Your friends and relatives.

Courage ... Never giveup!

Fortunately - we did not have any problem with electrical power ...
We were out of power for about 6 hours, Most of the time I was running 2 of the 3 kids to a dr's appt and then some shopping since the town the dr's is in still had power, while poor hubby was stuck at home. When I did return and sparked up the grill for dinner( I am so thankful for that grill sometimes;)) and had convinced hubs we needed a mini camp fire, just as the fire was starting to roar and we were beginning to enjoy our evening free from electrical nusainces the power came back on and the temptation of sitting in my AC living room was too much to bear, so the fire went out.
Our power was out for about 15 hours and with the heat it wasn't very comfortable at all. I was also alone during the entire event which bored me to hell but what can you do...

Hope things remain pretty stable for another 26 years. ;)
Some of my city folk couln't flush their toilets :(

I was lucky I had that, but I was out of electricity 2X.

Maybe I'm weird, but I actually enjoyed it. I lit a bunch of candles and read a book in complete silence with my flashlight.
I was in the middle of watching Judge Judy. Unfortunately, the TV's in the hospital just had their service changed so there was a lot of bugs in the system so all channels kept flickering on and off on me. So above that annoyance the lights go out on me. I thought it was the hospital's fault but then I heard it was NE wide!! Pretty freaky if you ask me. But at least the hospital does have backup generators. Only the minimum was allowed to be on. Minimal AC, only 1-2 electrical outlets for important things like IV pumps were allowed to be on and no lights in the individual rooms. I couldn't read, watch tv, or do a puzzle I was so bored. Even with minimal AC the rooms would get pretty hot. Was quite an experience!
I live in California, so I wasn't affected by it, but a transformer ironically blew on my street on Thursday at around 8, so we were out of power for a couple hours.
I could not live without electricity for 21 hours...I was gonna ask if they had school there that day, but then I forgot that you all are still on summer break.
I had no power for about 10-12 hours. My parents had power so my sister (who also had no power) and I ended up spending the night at their house. Unfortunately I never lost power at work, not even for a second.
On Today @ 08:45 AM jourgenson had this to say in Post #9
I had no power for about 10-12 hours. My parents had power so my sister (who also had no power) and I ended up spending the night at their house. Unfortunately I never lost power at work, not even for a second.

**** those generators at work ;) ;)
There was only one hospital that didn't have generators during the blackout...I wonder if anyone died in it while the power was out.
On Yesterday @ 09:38 AM xNaChOx had this to say in Post #10

**** those generators at work ;) ;)

We don't even have generators. Buffalo just never lost power in most areas. The lights just flickered for a moment and we were told to shut down any monitors that people weren't using. I offered to shut down mine but was not taken up on the offer.:)
hrm.. time to move out here to the west.. at least when the power goes out here they TELL us before hand :)

Last night we all was without electricity... Quite nice storm ... We was playing hangman, hide'n'seek. As a finale - I scared everybody by jumping from the under_sofa ... Candles, candles ... wax spots on the floor :) Ok ...

This morning ... no electricity ... too boring ... shower in the dark ... Schools are open 2 hours later ... :(
On 08-18-2003 @ 01:44 PM WaterB had this to say in Post #13
hrm.. time to move out here to the west.. at least when the power goes out here they TELL us before hand :)

We have plenty of room out here...trust me on that one.
Man, when that hapened, I was watching Judge Judy, AND I was RIGHT in the middle of surfing the soup! :mad: