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Everyone in Jewel-land okay? The earth moved!

Fine...my bed shook and bedroom door shook. My first thought was "earthquake", but I was sure people would think I was crazy. Then I thought it might be a snow plow going by...but the shaking was too violent for that. 1/2 hr later the news confirmed an earthquake. Unbelievable!
Odd. My alarm goes off at 4 am so I am used to being up. Maybe it woke me and I didn't realize it.

It was west of where I live (Aurora) so depending on where you are maybe it wasn't strong enough to feel?

Hubs didn't budge, just snored right through it :) I thought a snow plow hit the house as we are on the corner...guess I am glad it was just the earth moving.
It was west of where I live (Aurora) so depending on where you are maybe it wasn't strong enough to feel?

Hubs didn't budge, just snored right through it :) I thought a snow plow hit the house as we are on the corner...guess I am glad it was just the earth moving.

I am in DeKalb and Lauri who posted earlier in the thread felt it and she lives down the street from me. Wow, if I had noticed it I am sure it would have been weird. My DH and 5 yr old slept through it. The baby was a little restless though but is now back to sleep.
Totally felt it!

We live on a main road and knew it was way too big to be a large load on the road. Even DH said it was an earthquake. It's the second one for dekalb area lately. I am such a light sleeper everthing wakes me up!

Was centered east of sycamore and north of maple park. That's a 15 minute drive from home.
I called the non emergency police and asked about earthquake.... they told me it must have been a snow plow.... um, NOT!
Both the Trib & the Times sent "Breaking News" alerts...I find it funny that Sycamore is considered a 'burb...growing up, that was a day trip to the boonies.
Yep...been up since 4 now. I thought it was the snow plows until I looke dout the window and didn't see any. My husband and kids slept through it.
Slept right through it..... huh.. my Dad says that we felt it over here in DP. I didn't feel a thang... heard about it on the news!
BTW- Didn't see this thread before I started one... OOPS!
And must be the BCer in me - knew right away it was an earthquake and I haven't read the news yet, but my guess is around 5 something - OK, now off to check the news...

ETA - dang, off by a factor of 10. Knew it was a little one though. No wonder I felt it - it was only a couple of miles from here.
I felt it, I thought that the winds were just really strong!
Felt it in eastern Iowa, too! I thought it was a dream! There was an earthquake around 15 months or so ago, too.
Ok in Wheeling Jeweland... We all survived! I think it was all the snow created an avalanche. :lol:
