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Originally posted by Typheus
There is an answer to why are we alive, because we were created to pray to God, if not then we are useless nobodies who live to die.

A life meant for praying doesn't sound like a very useful life at all.
Anyways praying does not mean that you sit there asking God to forgive you and stuff like that, praying can be like helping the poor, not being big-headed, not to eat pork or drink beer if it is served to you, treating everybody equal, etc...
typheus, this isn't a debate about why we're alive and what our purpose in life is, it's about evolution

you can make a thread about that topic though, i bet it would get a lot of responses and debates
I would have to say a little bit o' both, God started it all, and science just took over. Who knows where the tiny organism's came from we will never know. But, those tiny organism's evolved, into microscopic things with body parts you could say. Those evolved into animals over millions(maybe TeraTrillions..??) of years into animals, and then to something, then to the caveman. Thats what I belive what happened. Who knows, no one but god himself. Look at Mars, or the moon or something like that. They have already found the TINY microscopic organism's in the ground, im thinking they are the beginning of another whole race, or maybe humans. Thats why I believe in so called "Aliens", They have just started to evolve that much before us, and are just that much ahead of us. They dont have to look the same, its just how they came about. So, I think a little of both, how could there be ANYTHING, how could there even be a universe without God.

PS: Sorry for kind of changing the subject to Extra-terrestrial beings. :/
Are you mocking me?... or something like that.. cuz I didnt like the tone in your font.
This is an intersting topic to be started at this form. We have some very strong minded members. I can't believe I didn't start it earlier.
But first I just wanna say to Typeus the road your taking with this arguement is completely right. And don't listen to the people on this thread saying your wrong. Preach on brother!

Anyway I have a few points and if you think evoultion is right and you believe in it, then take on this points straight on! Don't go around them and don't answer them with more questions. Those are the ground rules. Ok here are my points.

-Scienctifc dating methods used to date fossiles depend on atmospheric conditions remaining constant since the beginning of life; that may not have been the case, especially if one believes the worldwide flood as described in the bible.
(more eivdence toward creationism than evoution)

-The laws of PROBABLITY point to the existence of a creator. For even the simplest amino acid to have formed by chance, the earth would have to be at least twelve times older than scientists say it is. The fact that amino acids, exist at all indicates an intelligent creator.
*(even laws-(scientific FACT!;not theory like evoultion)-of statistics prove creationism)

-Fossils can form only when organisms are buried so quickly that they have no time to decay or be eaten by scavengers. This fact seems to support the notion that a cataclysmic event-such as a worldwide flood-created the vast majority of fossils we see today.
*(More eivdence for creationism over evoultion)

-Many dposits of fossil strata do no match the geologic column supported by evolutionary theory. Suppoused older fossils are deposited directly on top of younger ones, with no evidence that the strata has been flipped.
(even more evidence for creationism over evoution)

-THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS states that anything which is organized tends, with time, to become disorganized. For this reason, our ordered universe could not have developed on its own from the chaos of the big bang. It much have had an ordered CREATOR!!

One last thing, it seems evolution always hides behind the theory of gradulism (things will change over long perioids of time). Will don't use that over strained excuse for the explanation for any of the above points points.
If you think about it, where did everybody come from? I mean a human being can't just "evolve" (for you people who don't believe in creation) from nothing, there had to be a supreme being (which is God) to create everything.

And if you ask where did God come from, well God created things that cannot be explained logically, (take the universe for example, a human mind cannot imagine an endless area of space in which everything in it happens in order) and God created you, the sky, the Earth, etc... Which means that God can do things unimaginable, so why can't God have no beginning and no ending, which is unimaginable, but God is God.
Actually God IS beginning and end. This may not make sense to some, but no one can truly fathom what being the first being ever is like, therefore, when we say God was the first, and someone challenges you asking, "well where did God come from?", then an answer can't be supplied. We as human beings are not intelligent enough to understand this concept.

But whether some believe we were evolved from primordial soup, or some believe we are direct descendants of the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, can we all at least come to the conclusion that the universe didn't appear out of thin air, with no control from an outside force or being whatsoever? You can keep tracing back matter, into matter, into matter, but it all boils down to where did the matter caused by the Big Bang come from? There's only one obvious logical meaning that even many scientists attempting to prove evolution have concluded, and that's the existence of an outside Being, God. God must have created this matter.
God maybe the beginning and the end, but like I said before, he HAS no beginning and no end. In otherwords, God was not born, created, etc.. and will not die or disappear.
Oh right, yes of course. I wasn't sure what you were talking about at first. I was just simply pointing out that God was the beginning and end, therefore, like you said, God would have no beginning or end.