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Expensive gift vs gift $ limit


I have ongoing problems with my PMS
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How do you handle it when people put expensive gifts on their list and they know you coupon? I know-and they know I never pay list price. And then if there is a spending limit I feel like others put more expensive gifts on their list because they know I will get it cheaper. Then do you add to the gift to make it up to the spending limit or do you just stop at that gift. Say what they wanted was $69 and the spending limit is $60 and you paid $40. Do you make up the $20?
I'd probably make up the $20 to get to $60.

This is :lol: to me because my kids want cash this year. They are going to be sad because that $100 looks a whole lot better when it's LOTS of gifts that I've acquired. :snicker:
I tease the kids that is SO much cheaper for us now that we just give them $.


Can't answer the rest, we do not exchange gifts among adults in our family.
I know, Kathy...I'm kind of excited that we will be able to do all 6 kids for less than we usually spent on the original 4. :lol:
Unless you have joy in giving the extra--I wouldn't do it. You found a good price, and that is fine. If money is tight and you found a bargain, more power to you--only problem will be if they go to return and only get the amount you spent.
Now, if it would give you more joy to give more and see their surprise at the extra amount-then do it.
I guess, I usually find even more bargains and throw in more stuff when we have that happen. It always is my sister in law that ends up wanting to return something (even though it is on her list) and she would be mad if I didn't spend the entire amount. So I started giving her something on her list--and then something personalized--even if home made--so she can't return it---that way she has no idea on how much I spent on the home made or personalized gift. Sometimes I throw in some Yankee Candles that I got from Kohls--with coupons--and she has no idea!
Your coupons are $$$$$ so know that you are paying for the gift no matter what!! I am honestly tired of people not valuing my hard work cuz I get work hard to save money, not to spend it frivolously!!!! Value your hard work, hard sought put qs, and time and enjoy the season of giving! That's my piece!!!
I don't think I would make up the difference, either-kudos to you if you got it for "cheaper" than their request..I think for most of us, the huge fun is trying to spend less $ and get more-the deals just make it that much better!