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F**king WORK


Expert Talker
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Ottawa - Plainfield - Minooka - Peru
OMG I don't know if these people are truly trying to get me to lose it or what...

I asked a month ago for today and Monday off, I was told by our lead that she had a dentist appointment today so I would not be able to be off in the morning. I said ok well what if I come in and leave when you get in? She agreed that was great, not a prob what so ever...

Well she had to come to work late on Wednesday due to getting her children off to school. I totally understand this bc it happens to the best of us. Our kids come first.

Well I guess yesterday she got an email from our boss saying he did not want her off this morning since she was late Wed. Do you think she has enough respect for me to tell me?????????? NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO

Really, I bend over backward for this lady, try to be friends with her (to make my job easier, which I am not proud of). She has stabbed me in the back so many times over the 3 1/2 yrs I have been here and I just turn my cheek and come back in the next day like it never happened. YES MY DOWN FALL FORGIVING PEOPLE WHO HURT ME!

I get to work this morning and ask her what she is doing here, she tells me about the email from our boss. OMG I wanted to slap the ****. Really you couldn't call me and tell me this or tell me yesterday afternoon? I ONLY came in to be here while she was out this morning. This is soooo not fair. Her reply, well you can leave now if you want. OMG NO I am not leaving I just drove 1 hour to come to work. So I should leave and drive an hour home now. Nope Nope Nope

So Ok I am here at work, I will be surfing the internet, doing minimal work and she can do it this afternoon since I won't be here and I am off on Monday!

I am so angry can you tell??? :ranting:
Whata beyotch
Sorry my friend, its way too nice in our neck of the woods to be stuck at work when you shouldn't be. Just look forward to your long weekend and you will get through it.
It's so sad that most people don't even think to be considerate to others in the way I was taught. It's like an afterthought or brownie points if they do it. Confounds me.