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FAFSA info...

Mrs. Piggy---you just got the estimated one--you have not received your official confirmation yet--so be on the watch for it!

If5058--Apply for a pin number first so you can fill out your FAFSA_-you keep the same pin number FOREVER_-so make sure you pick a number that you will be able to remember

hey kath, are these grants based upon income? or what? thanks
OK so I just applied for a grant from the Gov for school... can anyone give me some insight as to how this all works?? Any tips etc...

I (apparently) am approved for $5,550 worth of grants. Is this alot?? I need to calculate how much my program is gonna cost me... Hmmmmm.... any info you can help with would be LOVERLY!


SO flippin awesome! congratulations !!!:hiphip:
Congrats and good luck!

Good luck. I think you picked a great profession to enter.There's always a need for medical people. I swear it's like 1000's of people work in the hospital.When i go for bloodwork it seems the staff out number the patients.
Not always the case, hospitals around here are in a hiring freeze & layoff mode, and have been for a while.
Elle--it is based on a lot of factors--I can call you can give you more specifics
but yes--it is income based for the last year--and they do include savings--checking etc--and if you have used in 504 plans etc---they count the childrens savings and money they have earned too--so the FAFSA takes it all--one person in our neighborhood laughed (I think she lives in your neighborhood) Her EFC was more than the school costs!
The grants to research though--are not based on income--so researching them is a good thing!
Elle--it is based on a lot of factors--I can call you can give you more specifics
but yes--it is income based for the last year--and they do include savings--checking etc--and if you have used in 504 plans etc---they count the childrens savings and money they have earned too--so the FAFSA takes it all--one person in our neighborhood laughed (I think she lives in your neighborhood) Her EFC was more than the school costs!
The grants to research though--are not based on income--so researching them is a good thing!

That is what I am going through... my program is about $4000.00. So my question is if I am approved for $5,500. Will I still get the WHOLE thing... I still would need help with books etc.... so I am hoping so...
Elle--it is based on a lot of factors--I can call you can give you more specifics
but yes--it is income based for the last year--and they do include savings--checking etc--and if you have used in 504 plans etc---they count the childrens savings and money they have earned too--so the FAFSA takes it all--one person in our neighborhood laughed (I think she lives in your neighborhood) Her EFC was more than the school costs!
The grants to research though--are not based on income--so researching them is a good thing!

Argh, I just put in an application, got an EFC 9k+, I think the teacher certification program may cost less than that. :lol:
Congrats to you!! I wish I would have looked into some of this stuff when I went to college! I'm still paying off student loans! :pout:
Argh, I just put in an application, got an EFC 9k+, I think the teacher certification program may cost less than that. :lol:

I think the LOWER the number the better.. (more help) not sure though. I had an EFC of 0
Just got my results! $5,500 it is! YIPPY! :cartwheel:
The books are outrageous. My dd just spent over $600 for books. Most books are in the $100 range (& that's sometimes a used price) When you resell them back, you get nothing compared to what you pay out.Don't forget the crook county tax.
My friend said to apply for every scholarship (you can use the same essay on alot of them). She says that sometimes so few people apply that the scholarships go unclaimed.

I don't care what anyone else says. You're always going to find work in the medical field.Unless they find a cure for being sick.
5.500 is the max that you can get--and yes the lower the EFC the better
Again, depends on the school to how they dole it out--is it a four year---is it a junior college with semesters?
Now that you have your definite paper work--go to your financial aide at your school and find out how they will help you--how it is paid--do they refund you the difference ( by law they must--so if you spend less--the money is yours--because you might find your text books cheaper--and pay them later--which is what we do--unless you want a voucher for your books--then they just credit that off your FAFSA)
Make sure your school had not already used up their allotted amount of FAFSA users--I know that sounds odd--but that is what happened with my niece--so it is best to just make an appointment with your financial aide person at your school of choice--make sure they received everything they need on their end (so many times there is one piece holding up enrolling--we always got our confirmations and then couldn't figure out what the hold up was--sometimes we needed to prove our income--sometimes it was just a piece of paper the school needs)
SO--go and make your appointment with financial aide (some do it on walk in basis--some need appointments
:cartwheel: YEAH thanks for all the help and info.... making the call this AM! :)
I think the LOWER the number the better.. (more help) not sure though. I had an EFC of 0

I know, that means I am not qualified for anything. That's why I told DH, we don't make enough to afford anything, but make too much to qualified for anything. :lol:
I am confused--did you have an EFC of 0
that means you do qualify for things
EFC is expected Family Contribution--and if you have a 0 it means they expect you to pay nothing
But the max is 5,500

I highly suggest looking into scholarships--there are so many out there that no one uses or applies --and if you have a good financial aide advisor they can help you with things like that
Sorry, just found the post that told you your EFC was 9,000
WOW__that is high!
It does stink because you are probably like the rest of us--just trying to make ends meet- and then there is no help
I hope you are able to find some scholarships--or grants
Check with your school and see if there is any way you could get that or get the tuition for less
Sorry, just found the post that told you your EFC was 9,000
WOW__that is high!
It does stink because you are probably like the rest of us--just trying to make ends meet- and then there is no help
I hope you are able to find some scholarships--or grants
Check with your school and see if there is any way you could get that or get the tuition for less

I have been saving money so I can go back to school to get a teacher certification one day, and the savings probably boast up the EFC! I wonder the fact that I already have a bachelor degree ruled out the Pell grant automatically?
I know there are alternative programs for teacher certification, in fact SAR sent me info on a grant for people who want to teach in schools in low income area and inner cities, not sure I am ready for that!!
Yes, the savings counted towards the EFC--which makes a HUGE difference--kind of sad they punish you for trying to do the right thing! We learned that one the hard way!
Check out some of the low income schools--I live in the far western suburbs--and a few of our schools were on the list--and they were in great neighborhoods---I was shocked to see them on the list--I guess there were a lot of lower income because of some apartments--but not all are in bad areas--so you might want to check it out--assuming you could get into one of the better schools
I did just see on the channel 5 news--that tomorrow at 5:45 they are going to do a segment on paying for college and ways to get grants etc--so if you are up you might want to check it out
Wish me luck! Today I am submitting my application for my WIA (un-employment grant) I am so nervous.. I can't stop eating today... :pout: I HATE being an emotional eater! I hope they don't make me wait too long to tell me... I will be 500 lbs by then!