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Favorite Beer

Being from Britain I thought I might throw in a few real ales you guys across the pond might not be able to get hold of but are lovely, so watch out for them.

Waggledance, Youngs Brewery, ale with a honey aftertaste, lovely on a sunny day
Trafalgar IPA, Freeminers' Brewery (that one's for you roseruth, probably the best IPA I've ever had)
& Norman's Conquest (by Cottage Brewery I think). Really black and roasted.

And yeah, Corona with lime is great, so is spiced rum with coke and fresh lime (Cuba Libre to the knowledgable), any Eastern European lager (they make the best lager in the world) and a large Plymouth Gin and Tonic.
My favorite beer is Peroni from Italy. If I can't get that I might drink a Newcastle Brown Ale, but Peroni is better.
Meezer...I had something similar a few years back..stomach ulcers, and they gave me a ton of anti-acid stuff like Tagament and Zantac, which did little or nothing until I went to a gastroenterologist in Connecticut and he told me I had the pylori bacterium in my stomach, so he put me on antibiotics for about 3 weeks or so and a diet and in about 4 months it went away and hasn't bothered me since...unless I eat a lot of very greasy food. Two blokes from Australia discovered this pylori thing.

I can drink a few beers if I want and wine, but not whiskey or rum ,etc..which I never liked anyway. I really had ulcers bad and almost bled to death one day at home. I drove myself 8 miles to the hospital near Hartford and lost another pint or so of blood in the restroom there. They put me in ICU for 4 days. I did not realize at the time that you can die from a bleeding ulcer. I still have the scars inside my stomach...saw them on the TV screen while they were doing the TV cam test several months later...I did not go unconscious in spite of having meds for that purpose...it's odd watching your insides on TV....and funny too.
I basically stoped drinking 20 years ago. But when I did my favorite beer was Becks. The imported Becks not the stuff you get now a days. Molsen red was also good.
I don't drink beer alot any more, but my current favorite is Dos Equis XX. I miss Labatt's Classic. I think that's when I kinda stopped drinking beer, when I couldn't get that anymore.
I drink light beer, so right now I'm liking Sam Adams Light. But I also enjoy their specialty beers. Like right now the Octoberfest and Harvest Pumpkin Ale. They have some winter blends too.
I drink just about any beer ... but I'm German! ;)

I like the Danish beer Faxe, b/c it comes in 1 liter cans (easy to grab at a gas station when you want to get drunk quickly) ... my favorite German beer of Pilsen type is Bitburger (aka "Bit" lol), and I like yeast-wheat and crystal wheat (filtered yeast-wheat) beers like from Paulaner etc. :)

I don't drink a lot of beer though, I prefer booze actually, especially Scotch whiskey. :)
(but I'm a so-called quarterly drinker, I get drunk like once every three months or so ;) )
My favorite beer is Blue Moon (great with an orange slice!). I like its smooth flavor. Another beer I like is actually a local beer- called Opa-Opa, Kix Pale Ale variety. We had a nice big jug of it in the house this St. Patrick's Day.

hehe, I like the term "quarterly drinker"- I'm pretty much the same, as I could never drink all the time with the type of lifestyle that I have. Wouldn't be a big drinker at all anyway. I have an occasional drink, but I reserve the *drunk* part for holidays, when I will definitely have a day or so off to get it out of my system lol.
I so rarely drink, but when I do I just love a good German beer. My favorite is Lowenbrau.
my favorite is kirin light, but when that's not available, i usually go for blue moon.
To the surprise of my friends, not only do I dislike beer, but I don't mind straight Coffee Brandy. Coffee Brandy has a strong taste. However to me, it's not overpowering. Others disagree.
I would like to sometime try ginger beer, I am not much of a boozer, do like the odd drink. I tried this new liquor, I never tried before its Marlu fruit from South Africa.
This drink was very good,mild and creamy.
Heinken usually.

A friend of mine dropped off a full 12 pack Russian or Polish beer he found at work. I couldn't read the label but it was a Cyrillic language. It was so good 2 beers and I was ready for bed..Not drunk just mellowed me right out.
Heinken usually.

A friend of mine dropped off a full 12 pack Russian or Polish beer he found at work. I couldn't read the label but it was a Cyrillic language. It was so good 2 beers and I was ready for bed..Not drunk just mellowed me right out.
nice, can you find the logo online?
or take a picture.. or did you drink them all already :p
If it was labelled Cyrillic, it was definitely Russian or from around that area -- Polish doesn't use Cyrillic! ;)

(they use an extended Latin character set, I had to wrestle with it once! ;) )
I love Guinness, Duquesne Pilsener, Yuengling, Dogfish, Cadillac Mountain Stout, and many other craft beers. I do enjoy Coors Light and Bud Light when hanging with friends. I love Old Milwaukee and Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Has anyone here, cooked with beer.
We made a chilli last night with a lager beer .