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Favorite Nintendo Games

Redd Dragon

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What are your favorite Nintendo games of all time? Any games are good.... First Party & Third Party as long as they are not multi-platform.

Heres Mine:

Castlevania (1 - 3)
Donkey Kong (Orginal)
Final Fantasy (1 - 3)
Legend of Zelda (ALL)
Metal Gear (1)
Perfect Dark
Metroid (1, X, Prime)
Ninja Gaiden (1 - 3)
Super Mario Bros (1 - 3)
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Smash Bros.
Mario Kart: Double Bash!!
Mario Golf (ALL)
Contra, Contra Force, Super C
River City Ransom
Super Mario Bros. 3
LoZ series
FF series

Bah, there are too many to list. It's undisputed that the best games came out during the NES and SNES eras though.
Super Bomberman 2
Metroid series
Megaman (NES games only)
Donkey Kong Country
Super Mario Kart
some racing game where hte vehicles has eyes and stjuff 3D lookin
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Mario Bros. (not Super)
aw diesel, super mario was so good

i love all the mario, zelda and dk games, smash bros, and tony hawks. my newest obsession is harvest moon for gc ;)
I just never cared for Super Mario Bros. I really liked the original Mario Bros., where you had to jump and punch the floor under the creatures coming out of the pipes.
That was one of the best multiplayer games ever, IMHO, because it was mostly cooperative, but you could also screw with the other player by punching the ground under his feet, or flipping a monster right side up just when they went to knock it off the screen.

I still play that frequently on MAME.
Diesel said:
I just never cared for Super Mario Bros. I really liked the original Mario Bros., where you had to jump and punch the floor under the creatures coming out of the pipes.
That was one of the best multiplayer games ever, IMHO, because it was mostly cooperative, but you could also screw with the other player by punching the ground under his feet, or flipping a monster right side up just when they went to knock it off the screen.

I still play that frequently on MAME.

I think Ice Climber was a much better multiplayer game for NES than the original Mario Bros. It had all the same features of being cooperative and competitive at the same time, and it had better replayability in my opinion. I used to play that game all the time!

Other than that, my list contains many of the games already mentioned:

Legend of Zelda series (yep, even Zelda 2)
Super Mario Bros. series
Contra series (I still play the first Contra and Contra 3: Alien Wars for SNES all the time)
Mike Tyson's Punch-out (though I've still never beat Tyson :( )
Ninja Gaiden series
Megaman series (I think 3 might have been my favorite)
Bubble Bobble (dunno if it was multi-platform or not)
Super Mario Kart
Metroid series
Motorcross Maniacs (for the original Gameboy, been playing it on my cell phone a lot lately!)
Gargoyle's Quest (also Gameboy)

I'm sure I'm forgetting a LOT, I need to make a list of all the NES games I still have.

Oh yeah, and here's a picture of a badge I had to wear when I advanced past the first level at the Nintendo World Championships back in 1990 (I ended up being a quarter finalist, but some of those people were insane). I got a t-shirt too, but I gave that to one of my cousin's like 5-6 years ago, and I totally wish I hadn't now (I still have the hat though). Yes, I was, and still am, a big geek!
Hmmm this is hard but,

Captain Skyhawk
Mario Kart
Adventure Island
Goemon Ganbare

There are many others but these are some of my favorites right now
Mike Tyson's Punchout
Mario Kart

those are the only one's that I ever really played on the original NES, never did own one
I can't believe I forgot one of the best Nintendo games: Kid Icarus!!! I still want to see a remake of this game on Gamecube (I dunno how it'd translate to 3D, but I'd be happy with just a 2D remake with updated graphics).

[edit] I think this game might be the reason why I don't like eggplants today![/edit]
Let's see here

SMB 1-3
Final Fantasy 6
Ninja Gaiden
Goldeneye 64
Donkey Kong

God the list goes on......
goldeneye, and perfect dark are the best games for n64
also donkey kong 64 was probably the only half/rpg i liked, but the original dk game was wicked
all marios that exhist (except 64.. it's annoying to try to beat)
all zeldas..

Zelda Wind Waker
Mario Kart 64 & DD
SSB & Melee
Star Fox 64
Mario Party 1-2
F-Zero GX
The obvious: Super Mario and the Link/Zelda series (I really love SM2!)
Conker's Bad Fur Day (New one to be out "soon"!!!)
and... TADA! ANIMAL CROSSING!!! bwaha