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Favourite and least favourite school subjects?

My favorite subjects were English and Filipino. I didn't like Math, Physics and Trigonometry. I struggled with numbers my whole life.
I would have to say that there is a tie between chemistry and Spanish. I absolutely loved it and enjoyed going to those two classes every day. Others that were close to being my favorites were world history, US history and Intro to Psychology. The class that I absolutely hated would have to be Math. The teacher was a football coach, so it was real upsetting to see the foot ball players getting more one on one time and help than someone like myself. Not to mention, I was horrid at math. I was a little worried about chemistry, but it felt like a completely different world of math to me.
My favorite subject or should I say subject were reading and English. No real surprise there because I went on to be a writer. My worse subjects would probably have to be math. To me math got a little out of control. After all in day to day life it is addition and subtraction that people rely on the most. So what was the point of algebra or even fractions for that matter. For the average individual these are types of math they certainly won't take with them late in life, so why was it that high schools felt the need to teach them.
MY favourite subjects were English, Graphics and Electronics...Least favourite French, History and pretty much everything else.

Home time is the best time of course lol
I don't go to school anymore but my favourite school subject used to be English (it's a foreign language to me!). Least favourite was Math, yuck.
Information Technology/Computers was my favorite, even though we only ever did mundane tasks. Maths was my 'least favorite, although we always had a good laugh because of the trouble-makers.
Favourite: Maths I LOVE Maths ahaha
Least Favourite: English but luckily I never have to do it again! unless I failed of course but hopefully I've done alright :D
My favourite class was Japanese, and my least favourite was always Advanced Maths.
I would say english was my least favorite subject, specifically the creative writing side of it.
I was put off art a lot because of the writing side as well but would consider doing it again if I could turn back time.
I always loved English and Literature. I did not care for math or Social Studies/Civics.