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Favourite sports?


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So what is your favourite sport and why is it your personal favourite.

I've always disliked football and more aggressive sports did to the complexity of rules when I was younger and the fact I wasn't really the sporty type.

I mainly enjoy running, cycling and swimming now.

So what's your favourite sports and why?
My favorite sport is cricket. I love playing cricket, and I love watching a good game of cricket, especially when it involved Pakistan (my country). I am also a big fan of Football and WWE, I watch regularly and daily and love them.
Football/Soccer. I play it, watch it, and follow it I would say most of the day haha :p Some people say I'm obsessed.
I like Lacrosse, Soccer, Swimming and Running. Cycling when the weather is nice.
My favourite sport would have to be Football. Follow it closely and its the only sport I have ever played properly
For fun I love to play basketball, tennis, and bowling.

To watch: I love to watch football (NFL) and hockey, but only live for hockey, I don't know it just seems more entertaining when I'm watching hockey in person than on TV.
My favorite sport to watch would probably be football or baseball. My family was really into the whole NFL and MBL out here and would even have specific TV service just to watch their team (Bears for football and White Sox for baseball).

To actually do I would have to say it would be BMX, yeah it sounds like a weird sport but at one time I actually was sponsored by Monster energy drinks. It's pretty cool going to contests and doing all of the different tricks (full bike 360s, grinding on stuff, wheelie without pedaling, etc.).
My favorite sport would have to be: Basketball.

It's actually the only sport that I like :)
Lawn Tennis is good for me. I don't play it at all but I love it a lot.