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Hanging Out!
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You know your addicted to Couponing when ____________________ .

I'll start:

You know your addicted to couponing when your watching the weather and they are talking a FOOT of snow and your first thought is... HOW THE HELL AM I GONNA DO THE DEALS!!!! :bowing:
LOL! GMTA -- I was having the same thought -- I want my darn nut clusters and yogurt!
ME TOO! ME TOO! ME TOO!!! :gah:
......when I'm ready to start a major fight with DH (we never fight) because he bought a double pack of Lyson toilet bowl cleaner that 1. I didn't tell him to get 2. we don't need 3. he didn't use a coupon. Seriously I figure he wasted about $3 compaired to the one I buy and I was furious!!! :ranting:

I am however happy to report I did not let on how pissed I was and gently reminded him to call me before he decides to pick up items I did not ask him to (seriously I was seething inside all night). :redface:
......when I'm ready to start a major fight with DH (we never fight) because he bought a double pack of Lyson toilet bowl cleaner that 1. I didn't tell him to get 2. we don't need 3. he didn't use a coupon. Seriously I figure he wasted about $3 compaired to the one I buy and I was furious!!! :ranting:

I am however happy to report I did not let on how pissed I was and gently reminded him to call me before he decides to pick up items I did not ask him to (seriously I was seething inside all night). :redface:

You are too nice!
when DH says, if it ain't free, we don't need it!! Besides the shelves in the bathroom cupboard are almost falling off the wall from the weight of the Pantene, bar soap and Q tips!!
And after a nice birthday dinner, DH proudly announces that he used a coupon to reduce OOP!!
when your up and out of the house by 7:15 on a Sunday morning to do a tour of CVS's and don't let the fact that the wind chill is hovering around zero stop you.

(that's just the most recent example from this past weekend. :surrender:)
when your parents open up their Christmas presents and know what was a filler from WAGS. I give them other things, but the cow tails and Yardley soap were my fillers.

when you spend more time shopping than at home.
when you make DH use a coupon on his nasty cigerettes or make sure he hunts for a good deal!!!
when you get in trouble for having no milk in the house even though you have been to Jewel 3 times that day!
when you make DH use a coupon on his nasty cigerettes or make sure he hunts for a good deal!!!

Lol well I hear ya there. DH just started buying his smokes in cartons when I found out they're cheaper that way then I signed up for the smoking sites and started getting coupons. Now he actually comes to me saying he needs to get a carton and do I have a Q. I just got a mailer form Marlboro saying to sign in to their site and choose a coupon. I chose two $5/ carton coupons versus ten $1/1 packs.

Yes I'm hoping he'll quit one day, but until then....this is the best I can do.
you walk by a display 12 hours before a major deal you want to hit and contemplate hiding your first two transactions behind high ticket items nobody buys.

you walk by a display 12 hours before a major deal and the guy is stocking 500 of them and you say to him: it will be gone before 8 am.
when you make DH use a coupon on his nasty cigerettes or make sure he hunts for a good deal!!!

Although I never wanna contribue to that NASTY habit.... I do work out of Cook County... I could get him cartons for cheaper... just hide them so he doesn't smoke them up in one day! :lol:
You know your addicted to Couponing when ____________________ .

you have a toddler and a 3 month old and although its already hard to get sleep I'm up reading threads on CW til 4am...crazy? No, just a serious couponer!!!

Sorry, but I remember those days and I wouldn't give a **** if they put golden $50's in a sale item.....I woulda SLEPT when the sleeping was good. :lol:
Got another one:

Ds2 holds something up and says.... "Mommy, do you have a coupon for this??"