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Finished loading and naming the GEM series again


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Last month I loaded my hard drive with my GEM series discs. This month I finished loading the two missing songs and renaming them so they are named correctly enough to be read by Compuhost allowing me access to all of the songs. I had about 8 songs where they cut short the song title or even worse left it out altogether, 30 songs where the naming left out the disc number etc. Now that that is done, I'm ready for next month when I get the KJ Media Pro HD. Here's a copy of my songlist:


  • song list.pdf
    507.7 KB · Views: 77
Am now loading filler music songs. Mostly Classic Rock but a few Country and modern rock songs thrown in.

I need to finish loading it by Friday because I host my first show at a bar that had karaoke but quit doing it because the host flaked on them. I'm not gonna flake. I want to do this right.
Well got the filler music loaded, at least enough to get me through a few shows.