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Fire Emblem Fates


Mastermind Talker
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Anyone here planning on buying the upcoming 3DS game fire emblem fates?
You bet I'm ready to play this game upon release!  Somewhat hyped since I've been playing since Path of Radiance, so I come with considerable experience.

I'm excited for the new class called wolfskin, like this one:


I heard the story isn't strong, but hopefully the gameplay makes up for it.​
I got the games pre-ordered, I'm going to be busy for a few months beating all the content.
Hm, they seemed to have released DLC trailers already, before the game even hits shelf. On top of that, it appears to be a bit pricey as well. Might want to buy it... Not sure though.
I hear it will lack the japanese audio if that is a deal breaker.
Well, never cared for the voices in the first place. For some it might be; I've heard many fans were mad at this change, but at its core, the game still provides a decent Fire Emblem experience.
yeah fans are getting mad just for the heck of it, the core gameplay is still there which all that matters.
Gamers will get mad at anything, no matter what the game. I honestly don't care and will definitely not lose sleep over any of it.
Oblivious1 said:
Does anyone know when the game comes out in the UK?
Europe in early 2016. I didn't see a real release date for the UK at all.
Thanks for the information :)
I hope I don't have to wait too long though
I highly recommend this game, even if you're a Fire Emblem elitist. There are a few flaws, but the overall gameplay is still there. I believe Conquest is a better investment because these two titles don't have the strongest story, so the one with the superior gameplay ultimately won my choice.