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Forecast: Meteor Showers


Chief Talker
PF Member
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WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE It's about three hours before NY gets the peek time of the Leonid meteor shower. Jason and I just sat in the car for about 10 minutes and already we saw a HUGE meteor (shooting star...whatever) pass over us! So far three good ones in 10 minutes is not bad for 3 hours before peek time!!

I plan to be outside later on tonight to watch them. I'm not missing another awesome event like this!!

:eek: :toocool: :yay: :asmile:
the first and only INCREDIBLY THICK fog we've ever had is tonight
****. i missed the whole freaking thing. my husband was trying to call me from work this a.m. but he couldn't wake me up. blarg.

glad some of you were able to enjoy it tho :)
i didn't even look out the window. although i know it was a clear night cause much earlier in the evening i was outside and looked at the stars thinking, wow, it is really clear tonight. :p
I started watching here and there at 1 am. AT one point I even heated up some cider got my mittens and a lawn chair and sat and watched. I saw quite a few good ones, but gave up and went to bed before the peak was supposed to be. I saw a few that left streaks in the sky. It was cool.