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I started a new website dedicated to Forum Tards.

Ever been a regular on a forum and have come across an example of profound stupidity? Ever subscribed to a thread that left you stunned by the ineptitude of the participants? Ever witnessed the destruction of a noob by seasoned forum trolls? Ever been rendered speechless by a display of perfect inanity?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, then ForumTards is for you. Witness, in full technicolor glory, the best of the worst forum threads.

FORUMTARDS: Because where there’s forums there’s retards.

If anyone had any prize examples of idiotic behaviour on forums and in threads, I'd love to see it. Either post your links here, or submit them here.

Not really PC...but thats what makes it so funny! hahah I love the idea of it.
Glad you like it, Kevin. Next time you happen across a real idiot, please post it so I can add it to the collection.
Well...I don't want to be posting about myself all the time :p

I will add any I see though. ;)
Thanks! Appreciated!
Not really PC...

That's what makes it perfect. I am tired of the pc atmosphere this country has gone to. I hope this forum takes off, lol.
I've witnessed countless acts of forum retardation over the years, i'll see if I can't dig a few classics up i've seen around. LOL.
Thanks, LSUguy. It's not a forum, but it is about forums. If you'd like to contribute please let me know. We have author positions available. :)
I think he was talking about this forum, general-forums :D
interesting blog, seems like a lot of work on your part getting the conversations published?
It's quite easy really. When you have the right tools. Using FastStone.
Oh, I see.
Either way I think it's an awesome idea.

I also agree about the "pc atmosphere" I was actually just talking about this today. It's really getting to much...
I also agree about the "pc atmosphere" I was actually just talking about this today. It's really getting to much...

My fiance' says i'm an a**hole, but then again I have a hard time dealing with stupid people. And we have an abundance down here.
The important thing is that people don't take it too seriously. It's the internet; not serious business.
No, that's the undertaker [/wrestling]

As Alan said, don't take it too seriously, I see brandon has a mention in there too and you don't see him commenting on how cool it makes alan, do you? :)
If anyone has any submissions they're welcomed. I'll credit the originating site if appropriate, so get your forums mentioned. Most people who have seen it thinks it's awesome so I expect it will be popular.

Think of it as free advertising.
I see brandon has a mention in there too and you don't see him commenting on how cool it makes alan, do you? :)
I knew I wouldn't be able to escape a site like that :D
I say dumb stuff all the time, especially on those late night post when I should just go to bed and I've had a few beers..lol