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Found 5 Kittens Friday, anyone want one?

Hmm maybe Tazzy will come back after hearing the news that there are kittens available. I'm sure her DH will say take them all. :roll:

Do you think she will? I need to get rid of them.
Do you think she will? I need to get rid of them.

I think she would love to have them but I was making a "funny" because she had to get rid of her cats because her DH is allergic.
I think she would love to have them but I was making a "funny" because she had to get rid of her cats because her DH is allergic.

What? I remember hearing her DH was allergic and she was shipping one of the kitties to her SIL but that was it. (I think it was Vic)
Yes, she shopped them off to SIL I didn't mean get rid of them totally.
Found a home for all of them. A lady name Tomi from Oak Forest will be raising them and find homes for them when they are ready to go. Thanks for all the help!
I'm glad you found a home. I'm still prematurely giving DH the full court press. I really want a long haired black kitty, they are so pretty.

I sent him a begging email & his response was, "****, baby! WHY???" Followed by "Can we rehome both dogs?" Apparently after a weekend alone with the dogs, even the little one is on his list. :p


ETA- we are a definate "no." Next time I'm not asking him, I'll tell him I found it. :p He just sent me this text:
I have another meeting in 15 minutes. I just can't do this. Work is crazy. First new kids, now another pet. I'm seriously going to have a nervous breakdown. Just let me know what to expect.

:snort: He's a trooper, but I think coming home to a cat would tip him over the edge. :p
He'll have less stress - they will "mow" the lawn for him.

If only I could borrow a goat for the day. I'd love to see the look on his face if there was one in the yard. :snicker:
just got back home from dropping the kittens off, picking up kids from school and a hair cut for one. They went to a lady in Oak Forest, name Tomi, She takes in strays and helps finds them homes. She also has 3 coyotes that she is trying to find homes but one is wild and the other 2 are tamed and can never be released back in the wild. She has 3 large cages in the back yard which is licensed to have. Like a zoo. Pretty cool. If you guys have any extra dog or cat food she would take it. She also has 10 adult cats she is trying to find homes . Meet her about two years ago when she was giving her wicker furniture away. Very nice lady.
I'm glad you found a place for them. They are adorable! My DH would disown me if I bring home another critter. 3 dogs and 2 cats are more than enough. DD11 goes "window shopping" for cats when I go to Petsmart. She plans on being a vet when she grows up. Her ultimate dream is to run a shelter for humans and animals. It gives me goosebumps to hear her talk about it. It's a pretty cool goal.

If only I could borrow a goat for the day. I'd love to see the look on his face if there was one in the yard. :snicker:
I read this and it made me start laughing out load. My husband wouldn't know what to say to me. We are animal lovers but I know if one showed up he would almost flip his mind. I tend to take in injured animals. One time we even had a large blue jay that a car hit. Broke his wing and there wasn't much we could do but make him comfortable. That really was sad for my kids. I hate to see animals suffer!
just got back home from dropping the kittens off, picking up kids from school and a hair cut for one. They went to a lady in Oak Forest, name Tomi, She takes in strays and helps finds them homes. She also has 3 coyotes that she is trying to find homes but one is wild and the other 2 are tamed and can never be released back in the wild. She has 3 large cages in the back yard which is licensed to have. Like a zoo. Pretty cool. If you guys have any extra dog or cat food she would take it. She also has 10 adult cats she is trying to find homes . Meet her about two years ago when she was giving her wicker furniture away. Very nice lady.

Boxer, PM me her address. I live in Oak Forest and I have some dog food that I got for free and would love to unload them on her.
WAIT?!? WHAT!?!?!

:faint: :faint: :faint:

I kinda thought that the cats were gonna get moved because of how bad she said DH was allergic...she said he had a bad attack....and I was wondering how things were going....