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Freaking Yankees.


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My heart can't take this kind of tension....

Just finish off Boston already! Quit playing around!
[ The morning after Game 7 ]


its always good to see the empire taken down a notch
it is always sweeter when the team and the fans have such arrogace we really put the yanks in their place

we are there daddy! oh yeah baby!!!!:laughing6

{born in mass, now in nyc}
Jealous? At least the Yanks didn't make it all the way to the Series only to be beaten by the METS like the Sox did in '86...

[Born in Brooklyn, Still a Yanks Fan AND was at Mets Game-7 in '86]
Putting all of that Rivalry crap aside, the last 4 games were still pretty good even though boston won. I'm a boston fan, just not a yankee hater. We are few but proud. And hey, i knew this was going to happen... and so did "Back to the Future" Im guessing you guys have seen that movie? My friends told me that it said up on a banister (In the year 2004) "RED SOX WIN WORLD SERIES AGAINST CARDINALS 4-0!!"

Not sure if thats true yet, but it'd be cool if it was.
Demokrat said:

its always good to see the empire taken down a notch
it is always sweeter when the team and the fans have such arrogace we really put the yanks in their place

we are there daddy! oh yeah baby!!!!:laughing6

{born in mass, now in nyc}
Go Boston...Go BUSH 04


  • jkerrygore.JPG
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Yankee Fan here. Yankees up 3 games to 0. Boston comes back to win. I have to give them credit, and tip my hat. Shame on the Yankeess! :mad:
<---Yankee fan... Im happy boston won now they cant blame it on the curse everytime we beat them from now on!
well, cheer up, I hear Stinebeger(however you spell his name, no offence, just a bad speller) is buying a all the good players that are free agence. He will have a winning team, if not he has to buy someone out.
I hates the Yankees. I hates dem good! Maybe it's the whole far east-coast vs. far west coast thing. I just know that I hates dem. The only thing I hates more danz dah Yankees, are panzee elf loving skum-bags, and pro-baseball's one-sided all money to yankees garbage. :eusa_wall

--All this meant in good humor. While I no longer follow Pro-Sports, I did adamantly hate the Yankees when I did... but that was during the several occasions that the Mariners had a clear shot, and blew it horribly like they always do. :eusa_eh:
May the best team win! (What ever happened to the Pittsburgh Pirates?) Ha!

I find it difficult to favor the New York Yankees or the Boston Red Sox since I have in-laws in Manhattan and relatives in Boston. Staying on the fence with that one. However, having lived in Pittsburgh for many years, I tend to keep an eye on the Pittsburgh teams. They held their own in the seventies, and have since, it seems, dropped out of the running!
MrD has always favored teams from Pittsburgh - he's not a baseball fan, but he's followed the Steelers for YEARS! He even has the yellow crying towel!! Rocky Blier (sp?) is a hero to him.
pittsburgh might be ok in 3-5 years if they can find some money, maybe you could help 'em out anglo lol.

but it's all about toronto! next year they are going to the playoffs, mark my words!!