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Funny Google thing


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Well it was brought to my attenion that if u type miserable failure into googel and hit im feeling lucky u get a very funny responce take a look. U may coment on how funny it is but dont spoil the supprise.
That is great. I just heard about that this morning and I was very happy to finially see it, since I am the only ( really 1 of 10) democrates at my school. :(
lol thats realll funny. I wonder if someone can sue for that
No idea how ever i am a republican but its still funny. I mean i cant figure out why it comes up, I mean what words in it.
i saw another one like that...i think google does it not as a search but just because its funny
lol thats great got a good laugh out of that.....most Canadians will say its true most likely all of us...and i know another one type in French Military victories and hit im feeling lucky

appears to quite abit out there this one is funny

weapons of mass destruction
Exx60 said:
That is great. I just heard about that this morning and I was very happy to finially see it, since I am the only ( really 1 of 10) democrates at my school. :(

Learn how to spell your parties affiliation before pretending to be one. I'm guessing you're 12 and your parents are DEMOCRATS, not democrates. Formulate your own opinions, don't take what your parents tell you as the truth in all cases.

Bush will win in 2004 and he will have my vote, why? Because he is a honest man and a good president. I love how Exx says 'U KNO IT ARE TRU LOOLL.' You probably couldn't name the last 5 presidents in succession without looking it up, and you call a president who not only got this country through 9/11 (To put it in context for you, it was the worst thing to ever happen to our country) the way he did but also is making sure that you're safe in your home while you bash someone and things you don't even know.
700_Level-EAGLES said:
Learn how to spell your parties affiliation before pretending to be one. I'm guessing you're 12 and your parents are DEMOCRATS, not democrates. Formulate your own opinions, don't take what your parents tell you as the truth in all cases.

Bush will win in 2004 and he will have my vote, why? Because he is a honest man and a good president. I love how Exx says 'U KNO IT ARE TRU LOOLL.' You probably couldn't name the last 5 presidents in succession without looking it up, and you call a president who not only got this country through 9/11 (To put it in context for you, it was the worst thing to ever happen to our country) the way he did but also is making sure that you're safe in your home while you bash someone and things you don't even know.

WHAT????? That is ridicules. First of all I can definitely name the last 5 presidents. And Bush is going down! Big time. I also don't feel safe with Bush at all since he got us mixed up in things that we should not have a hand in. I bet Bush will get us mixed up in something else and there will be a draft. Do you want to go and fight? I don’t think that you know Bush either. I bet we both know him the same. He is completely dishonest and he is as dumb as a post. At least with Clinton he actually took questions from the press and made his own opinions instead of relying on his Daddies opinions. I am 16 and my parents are republican. These are my own opinions. I must tell you that I am not a democrat on all things I am a left right. When Clinton lied nobody died.
Clinton had the chance to arrest/kill Osama Bin Laden numerous times. He didn't do it because he is a !!!!!. Thousands died on 9/11, indirectly, plenty died. What Clinton did was LIE UNDER OATH, that is a felony, he should have been impeached. What did Clinton do while the news of his infidelity broke? He ordered bombings in the Middle East to direct attention elsewhere. Clinton has no integrity and is a lying sack of !!!!.

You're calling someone 'dumb as a post' when you can't even spell the word ridiculous at the age of 16. You my friend, ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO CALL ANYONE STUPID. Let alone someone who went to both Harvard AND Yale, BEFORE his 'daddy' was President or even a major politician, so don't give me 'he only graduated because his dad was president,' BS, he graduated in 1969.

There won't be a draft, why? Because we lost less then 1000 people in the war in Iraq, you realize that thousands were lost in the time it takes you to google 'last five presidents' during WW II right? And yes, I would fight if I was drafted, proudly.

What do his daddies opinions have to do with anything? You're a clown who says that because there is nothing else to argue about.. Then you say 'Bush is going down big time.' LOL, you realize that he is one of the most approved of presidents of his era? Like a year ago he had a 70% approval rating, after 9/11 it was like 85%, those are EXTREMELY good numbers. He'll win the election.
You know I'm just not going to respond to that. Why? Because you have obiusoly been blinded by your president and will believe anything he says. I'm just saying fave facts buddy. It's just not worth my time and energy 2 argue because I know I'm right and ur just 2 ashamed to admit it.
LOOk BOTH OF U the puropse of this thread was to show somthing funny. Regaurdless of who it pokes fun of. Both of u get a slap on the wrist for fighing! Bad monkies. Now play nice.

Locked by Anthrax for off topic posts.
Way to lose the debate and then say 'I R RIGHT U R TEH WRONG U ASHMED 2 ADMITT TI!1'

Grow up and learn a little about politics before you pretend you know your information.
Well this thread should have been locked but what ever.. U to resolved it so lets just end it here.
Andrew Jackson was the pimpest president ever, he took more shots to the face than 50 Cent. Fo shiz.
lol.. No need to have some sort of Political debate now. It was just something funny he wanted to share. :)
It is funny, I admit it but I just couldn't stand that kid saying 'HE R DUMB U KNWO TI'

I am done Anthrax, so no need to close this thread.
700_Level-EAGLES said:
Clinton had the chance to arrest/kill Osama Bin Laden numerous times. He didn't do it because he is a !!!!!. Thousands died on 9/11, indirectly, plenty died. What Clinton did was LIE UNDER OATH, that is a felony, he should have been impeached. What did Clinton do while the news of his infidelity broke? He ordered bombings in the Middle East to direct attention elsewhere. Clinton has no integrity and is a lying sack of !!!!.

You're calling someone 'dumb as a post' when you can't even spell the word ridiculous at the age of 16. You my friend, ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO CALL ANYONE STUPID. Let alone someone who went to both Harvard AND Yale, BEFORE his 'daddy' was President or even a major politician, so don't give me 'he only graduated because his dad was president,' BS, he graduated in 1969.

There won't be a draft, why? Because we lost less then 1000 people in the war in Iraq, you realize that thousands were lost in the time it takes you to google 'last five presidents' during WW II right? And yes, I would fight if I was drafted, proudly.

What do his daddies opinions have to do with anything? You're a clown who says that because there is nothing else to argue about.. Then you say 'Bush is going down big time.' LOL, you realize that he is one of the most approved of presidents of his era? Like a year ago he had a 70% approval rating, after 9/11 it was like 85%, those are EXTREMELY good numbers. He'll win the election.

Let me just say a few things...Clinton was impeached. Impeachment is the process through which Congress puts the president on trial for "high crimes". Having an affair is in no way a high crime. He lied under oath because Kennith Starr spent seven years looking for dirt on Clinton, then when he asked him if he was having an affair Clinton responded saying "I did not have sex with that woman." Now I'm not saying what he did was wrong, but in no ways was he a sack of !!!!. Look at the Middle East. Peace was progressing well under his authority, and now it has gone to hell.

Bush did handle 9/11 well, but I think Al Gore (had he won) would have handled it well also.

And please don't say 9/11 was the worst thing to happen to America. The Civil War was by far, the worst thing that ever happened to America, on American soil.

Feel free to have your own opinion, as I have my own. I don't like Bush very much, but that doesn't mean you cannot be entitled to your views.