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Game to Movie


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We know prince of persia game was made into a movie. So what is the next game you like to see as a movie.

My first choice would be God of War! :)
A Notice to all Mod's

We appreciate your activity and those of you that are helping us out. I need to ask you to please try and create new threads for members to post on. We need more topics posted so there is a variety of things to talk about. I would appreciate it if you could do this as I will be doing it also.
Ok. to be honest I'm trying but I'm running out of ideas..
Raizen took all the good ones in the Television Forums. :blackeye:
Napalm said:
Ok. to be honest I'm trying but I'm running out of ideas..
Raizen took all the good ones in the Television Forums. :blackeye:
If you can't figure out any good ones for your own understandable. Look around other sections can use the help too :) . Yours really falls in fall lol. Once that is started you can post threads on the shows members watch or what you watch so you can discuss the episodes.
I can't post everyday in the book section lol don't read that fast though as soon as I finish a book I write a review. Stuff like that.
Politics I post two to three new items a day with exception to the weekend. Movies if you seen one that is reviewed post your thoughts on it lol.
Napalm said:
Hm.. I see..
Even if it is a graphic novel it works you read it :D . I am just trying to raise our stats some so we get more coverage and get a few more active members to help post.