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Gameboy Advance, Nokia NGage or PSP?

Matt Carr

Mastermind Talker
PF Member
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From what you know,

A) Which would you want to have?
B) Which do you think will be the most successful?
C) Which do you think will be the least successful?
D) Which do you think will have the most popular sequel handheld?

I would want the PSP the most because I'm not really into handheld gaming at the moment and the PSP offers the most other features I'd want.

I think the PSP will be successful, but won't overtake the Gameby Advance.

The think the NGage will be far less successful than both the GBA and PSP.

I think the follow up to the PSP will overtake Nintendo's hold on the handheld gaming industry.
Gameboy Advance. Quite simply because... It's maintained the top spot in Japan for well over a year, and has yet to budge.

NGage - I'm not even gonna bother looking at one. That thing is probably the most worthless idea I've ever heard of. What you're paying for is mostly going to be for the phone inside of it - The majority of people who are into handheld games are under 18. You need parental consent, along with a monthly bill and payment plan to get a cell phone. It's quite frankly, stupid. In my opinion anyway.

PSP - Who knows? It hasn't been released yet. Not only that, there hasn't been as much hype about it as far as I've seen. In fact, not many people know about it at all. Mini-discs? What are they - Nintendo, now? I understand that at one point they may have merged, but mini-discs in a handheld to me just seems asinine. I don't know about anyone else - But I travel a lot. Trying to keep discs safe while in a car with my 5 year old sister grabbing my game out of my hand isn't going to work. Whoops, there goes a $50 game. I'd rather stick with cartridges.

Most successful - GBA
Least successful - PSP and NGage
Side notes - I really don't care.

Those are what I feel on them.
You really should take a step back and just look at the fangirlism. If Nintendo was going to have mini-discs (Which shouldn't be considered a "Nintendo thing" as they've been around for years :roll: ) in a handheld you'd probably be all for it. Instead since the "evil" Sony is using them you have to find some miniscule reason as to why they're bad.
I'm far from a fangirl. I own pretty much every single console in existence, and play each one of them.

I explained why I was against the mini-discs on a handheld, because I travel a lot, and I'm clumsy. I really don't want to have to try to watch over everything so they won't break.

And yes, mini-discs have been around for years. Yet, Nintendo just brought them out for a game console, and it's the only game console to have them.

I really don't feel a need to explain myself though, seeing as you couldn't quite grasp my first post which I explained in detail and didn't even show a slight bit of 'fangirlism'. Just because I like a product shows no relevance as to why I'd be considered a 'fangirl'. That, and you don't know me. At all. So I find it funny you're saying that while I've only made, what, 10 posts?

If anyone is showing fanboyism - It's you. You won't even let me state an opinion on something without bashing it.
daym, i could cut the tension with a knife...

this lil argument ends here

A) GBA. When a portable system owns 98% of it's market, the company that devoloped it must have done something right.

B) GBA. Nokia's N-Gage is just about to be released, and so far, all the gaming publications that have reviewed games for it have been pretty harsh. Also, the N-Gage's screen is in like... a 9:16 ratio... definately not a good shape for gaming. As for Sony's PSP, I don't know enough about it to predict how well it'll stand up against it's competitors.

C) N-Gage. You have to open up the back and take out the battery just to change the cartridge... who the hell designed this thing?

D) N-Gage is out of the question... there will be no sequel handheld. As for PSP, I'm skeptical about it's future. We might watch history repeat itself as Sony abolishes Nintendo's monopoly, much like they did with their first console, the Playstation. Most likely though, Nintendo will remain on top because of their experience in the portable business.
I think the PSP will be somewhat successful, because many people love feeding off of Sony Hype.

"Dude Dreamcast sucks PS will kill it with it's 100,000,000 polyugons per second." - Scrub

Sony claimed the PS2 would be able to run 100 milion pps. In actuality, the PS2 can perform around 10 million pps (and i'm talking greaphically intense titles like ZOE2 and Silent Hill 3).

Sony now claims that the PSP will process 3 million pps.

If there is a pattern, the PSP will probably end up 300,000 pps (a bit less than N64)

I wouldn't mind that, as long as hallf the units don't have Disc Read Errors all the time.

But Gameboy is immortal. Even handhelds with greater graphical capabilities have always crumbled in the GB's presence.

It even killed off the Lynx and the Neo Geo Pocket, which were my favorite handhelds ever.

P.S.: I need to get my hands on a GP32.