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Legend Of The Universe
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If you have raised beds, did you make them yourself or bought a kit? How tall off the ground are they? Where did you get the soil to fill them?
We had raised beds at the old house when we were in town. We used concrete blocks sit on edge over a concrete slab. That way there was no treated wood to worry about and my big rear could easily sit on the blocks to pull weeds. :)

Also they lasted forever and if you ever need to strip a bed just move them and replace as needed. We used topsoil for the bottom layers and potting soil on top of that to get them going. Kind of expensive but we had great plants and little weeds the first 2 years. I would guess the blocks were about 6 inches tall.
A friend helped me make mine from cedar planks (supposedly untreated) I purchased at Home Depot. I think they are 4 or 6 inches deep.

We turned over the ground where the beds would be built and just screwed the boards together will really long wood screws. For soil, I went to the local landscaping center and had them deliver a 50/50 blend of topsoil and mushroom compost. There is an organic gardening company called Espoma...they make good fertilizers, and I added some of their all purpose fertilizer into the mix.

One other product I've used over the years is fermented salmon spray. I mention that b/c I seem to recall that you are in a woody area. The spray is gross. But the bugs and, more importantly, the DEER, HATE it. I used it for a few years when I lived back east and I had beautiful veggies and the deer even left my roses alone! It smells horrible. My husband would make me wait until after dark to spray it b/c he didn't want neighbors to know that it was us who caused the stink! It was great stuff, though, and was made by a company called Coast of Maine. All their fertilizers were great.
Yeah, I was wondering how to keep the deer out of it. I was thinking of a really good chicken wire or something.

Is the spray just for that, or does it also fertilize the plants?

I was planning to have half the backyard leveled, rocked pulled, and reseeded with grass and then putting the beds on it. But now I'm wondering if I should just put larger beds on it and save the $1200 I was quoted by my handyman and put it into beds, dirt and fencing/wiring around it. The other side of the backyard is level and mostly rock free. That's the side the builders ripped up to lay the piping (shaddup fiya) for the septic.
Raised beds?

and there hasn't been nary a snicker or anything.....
Raised beds?

and there hasn't been nary a snicker or anything.....

That's cause Georgie seems to be busy today. :pout:
She was all over my chicken thread last night.
The spray is a fertilizer, too. I looked for a link, but couldn't find one. Shame if they stopped making it, b/c it really was good.

As for fencing to keep deer out....I tell you, the deer are maddening to deal with, and they jump high. They look beautiful, but they can really mess with your landscaping. They eat everything, it seems. It sucks to get all excited, spend money and time planting, and then wake up to find stubs in your garden and deer tracks everywhere. Can you tell that's happened to me?! There's pretty much nothing I know of that will keep deer out of your yard altogether, so the best bet is to learn about what they don't like to eat and let that be the 'spine' in your garden. Then, the first season, maybe have a couple smaller areas where you have the fun stuff that you know you have to compete with them over...and see how it goes. Are you thinking veggies, flowers, or both??
Veggies. I already had my mums and other flowers eaten.
I tried so many things to deter the deer this year. I had a momma deer and her twin babies. Cute as they were, they destroyed everything. Even things deer won't usually eat, she ate. The best deterent for me was to hang bars of soap (johnsons baby soaps in the green mesh bag things) from the apple tree.
I buy regular wood, no treatment. They'll eventually rot, but they're cheap. I think the oldest ones I have are 5 years old?? I buy 4 foot lengths 10-12 inches high. I always scope out the scrap bin at Menards. They're $.69 each and I use four of them fastened together. I wouldn't spend a lot on anything you use.