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Getting an itouch vs. a smart phone - let's discuss



Ok, I am a tightwad when it comes to cell phones. We have a deal with hubby's work where 4 of us have them and pay about $130 a month. Unlimited texting and some minutes for calls, but nobody has a smart phone.

I was thinking about getting one. They look cool, but I'm not up for an additional $30 a month for the data charge. Then hubby starts saying that I could use an ipod touch to see my email and do other stuff and maybe that would be a cheaper way to go. It's a one time fee vs. $30 a month. At least that's the price right now, I can see it going up.

So I thought I would post here for some interesting discussion on the pros and cons of this. I'll tell you right now, I like technology, but I'm not dying to buy lots of apps. If I get a smartphone, I'm not convinced that the I$$Phone is the way to go.

So any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
an itouch will ONLY get you access to the web if wifi is available

a smartphone/ data package will allow you to access web wherever
So are there that many places without wifi? Remember, I am not up on this stuff.
OK I had a regular cell phone for years, no Itouch, and I just got my IPhone in August. I will never again do without a smartphone. When I am in the store and I see a good deal I can either go on CW or coupontom to see if there is a coupon out for it. The IPhone has its own WiFi so you can use it anywhere. With the ITouch I believe you have to be in an area that has WiFi like Starbucks.If you have a smart phone you are never bored. You can even use it like a GPS. Pros go on and on and to me the only con is the $30.
LOVE my iPhone... But I also commute 3 hours a day and work full-time at a desk so I can use it during the day. If you get an iTouch you can only use it in wifi areas. If you are primarily using it at home, maybe you should get an iPad? I know they are more expensive but you would have a bigger screen. I do use my phone more than my iPad...
no--I mean not when you are driving--or some places have private/closed wifi

I want a smart phone sooooo bad
for all the reasons carol just gave--LOL

I used dh's often of car rides to check email etc..
no--I mean not when you are driving--or some places have private/closed wifi

I want a smart phone sooooo bad
for all the reasons carol just gave--LOL

I used dh's often of car rides to check email etc..
When you don't have a smartphone, it seems like wifi is everywhere!

But as soon as you have one and are hoping for wifi, it seems that it's not in as many places as you'd hope.

DH actually stayed in a hotel last week without wifi, he had to hook up his laptop to a jack in the wall.
I have an old blackberry

I am upgrading to a semismart phone soon thru boost

Everything included 50 a month, unlimited, and the price goes down over time if you pay on time

I may even go with the virgin mobile prepaid, its only 35 a month unlimited text and data, just less phone minuted, but I don't talk a lot on my phone
Iphone to me is somewhat overrated. I have an android phone and I love all the free apps I can get. and the better thing is that I do not have to have a CC tied to my account to purchase free apps like you do with the Iphone.

Also not sure where you are in your contract but I have Sprint they offer a family plan that would be $130 for 2 lines and $20 a line after that this includes 7pm N/W 1500 min you get free mobile to mobile no matter who the carrier is and unlim text and data. if you have a smart phone there is a $10 surcharge per line. Depending on where you work would depend if you qualify for a discount on the primary MRC.
dh has a windows phone and L-O-V-E-S it
he says iphones are over rated
dh has a windows phone and L-O-V-E-S it
he says iphones are over rated
i have heard that the newest windows phones are awesome and way better than the iphone. i have a droid, i like it enough. i really miss my blackberry qwerty keypad tho. i have unlimited data due to how long i have been with att. but when i need another smartphone for the daughter, i might do virgin.
Thanks for all your input. We've been with att for a long time, I don't know if that will get me anything or what.

Still can't decide....I'll keep you posted!
Thanks for all your input. We've been with att for a long time, I don't know if that will get me anything or what.

Still can't decide....I'll keep you posted!
It will probably get you a free phone, with new contract, but that is all. They don't back date promotions they no longer have.

My dh has a windows phone, DS has android. I wouldn't trade in my iPhone for either of those :)
We too have att--our contract was up a year ago--so I am not tied into anything. DS needed to upgrade his IPHONE (he pays for it) so he had to sign a 2 year contract, though on my account--not tied to the account--they said he could keep the account if I went elsewhere--and just cancel all the extra phones--and I keep the phone numbers--or he could pay 130 and get out of the contract
DS loves his IPHONE--with all that he can do with it--I can see why!
They just started something at our high school with the science department--you can scan your phone--and it will allow you to ask teachers questions on homework--they guarantee someone will be in the office to answer the questions--and if at home--they will be on it until a certain time
that made me want one for dd--but still am a tight wad--with no money--so not going to pay a service fee--even though they dropped the plan to 10 a month instead of the 30 my son pays--though from what I am told my ds is grandfathered in and has a complete package--the 10 a month is not a complete package
I have a problem with the school promoting smartphones, especially when we are in an area where there are lots of people who can't get them.

One of my friends said at WWS, a teacher issued an assignment and had a list of topics for the kids to choose from. He told them that the topics were issued on a first come first serve basis and he had to be emailed. So all the kids with smartphones emailed him right there in class!

I'm all for using the latest gadgets in the classroom, but not like that.
Which one are you looking at? I've been half looking again. I know I'm going to have to replace my i465 (which I LOVE) in the next few months. I'm down to 40 now and a couple payments away from 35. I'm thinking that I may upgrade to one of the smart phones (which will raise my monthly back up again :lol:)

I have an old blackberry

I am upgrading to a semismart phone soon thru boost

Everything included 50 a month, unlimited, and the price goes down over time if you pay on time

I may even go with the virgin mobile prepaid, its only 35 a month unlimited text and data, just less phone minuted, but I don't talk a lot on my phone
I have a Blackberry (I like keys). The bad is: if you are an app person, they don't seem to make new apps. Seems like they only make apps for Droids and Iphones. There are some Droids with keys, so if you like keys and apps, don't go with Blackberry. If you don't care about Apps, the Blackberry is easy (probably soon to be extinct).
Just received an EVO on Sunday. Had another smartphone prior to this but wanted a bigger screen. My husband and son received the Samsung Epic. really nice.

I do a lot of Ebay and it really helps researching items that I might want to sell. Won't go back.