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Glitter Jars and creative discipline 101

Is she sharing a room? DD2 slept with us for about 6 months because I didnt want her waking her sister so I understand that frustration. It seems to have worked out much better for them not that they are both in toddler beds.

No but the rooms are close. Mine isn't and I can still hear her screaming. Actually DS4 is a pretty good sleeper so unless she's really hollering I can leave her...
As far as cleaning up... She goes around the house with baby wipes pretending to clean things (she didn't get that by imitating me!) so I'm not sure that would be a punishment. I'm going to get the stickers going this weekend. DS4 had a fit about getting his toenails clipped this morning and I offered him a quarter and he was all over it.

LOL..my girls do the same, I have to hide the wipes (no more free deals...lol) It was the "yuck" factor that worked with DD2. She thought it was "nasty"

Maybe try to incorporate some of the ideas from daycare. It was not until my girls started going to play group/school this year that I realized how capable they were.

Today for the first time we have put DD3 in her room for the rest of the day (she can have books and pencil to write, no crayons). she acted a FOOL at play school today and then was defiant to me when I got there. So she is napping now, but will be in the room until dinner, I hope it has some impact. I also talked to her before she went in and will have another talk when she wakes up. When we got home she came to me and said "I'm sorry I was very bad and mean to Ms. Janet (teacher)" and I accepted the apology and told her it was nice to say it on her own, but still took her to the room. she whined herself to sleep. I think she will cry for a minute when I have to remind her she is in there until dinner, but She was completely out of control today and defiant and I called DH for support in figuring out something and this was what we came up with.
I bought all of the supplies for the glitter bottles... My smartwater bottles do not look good after the label removal/goo gone. BOO! Any other ideas?
Instead of goo gone try baby oil or some other form of oil. Or you can try a bit of oil on the ones you've already started with.
I used vegetable oil on mine. The Goo Gone didn't seem to work very well. We made ours yesterday.

Sigh. DS is in K and had two bad days with hitting, which put us on the radar of the school social worker. My stepmom is a social worker, so it's not like I have anything against the profession, but this woman totally rubs me the wrong way. I feel like she's overly harsh with the children (all K-2) and she was incredibly inappropriate with me when I met with her. She's now had five sessions with DS and wants to continue but I have to give her permission. I asked her to tell me what they're doing and how things are going (i.e. are these sessions actually helping or just taking him out of the classroom) and she got all weird about it.