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Goals for 2008

it is something very hard to do, and it gets me when people just tell me to believe in mysel....

my question is what do i believe? what others tell me or what i honestly think of me?
Luciann ... in that case You better beleive in snowman :nod:
At least You will beleive in something existing and real.

hmmmm, well i do believe in snowmen and i do have faith...it is just what is the truth about me?

it is something very hard to do, and it gets me when people just tell me to believe in mysel....

my question is what do i believe? what others tell me or what i honestly think of me?

To believe in yourself means that you believe in what you, yourself, think and want to do is right. Your every desire, wish, hope, every feeling that you have is right. This means believing in yourself.

No-one knows you better than you do. So, no-one can -- strictly speaking --prescibe to you what you have to feel or think.

You can start by questioning yourself. Like, thinking "was that right what I just thought?" or "was that okay what I've done now?" and so on. From this, you can learn to understand yourself and what you want, so that you can say one day: "This is what I am. This is what I want."

To get back to the topic: I don't have any specific plans for 2008. I will take the year for what it is when it comes.
My goal is to knit at least one pair of socks every month in 2008 :)

I completed 11 pairs in 2007...maybe I should make it 15 socks for '08?
well there is always two ways to look at things...

i see things one way and when i voice those things about myself, i end up in arguments because others tell me that the way i see me is not correct...so maybe i should have said self esteem rather than self confidence...
well there is always two ways to look at things...

i see things one way and when i voice those things about myself, i end up in arguments because others tell me that the way i see me is not correct...so maybe i should have said self esteem rather than self confidence...

:ut-oh: Do you really beleive that it is good goal for 2008? I can't understand it even after second reading :eek:

Look at me - my goals are clear and simple!

Lobo for a president!!! :yay: :number1:
Yeah ... Lobo for president!!

LO-BO !! :yay: LO-BO !! :yay: LO-BO !! :yay: LO-BO !! :yay:

Ok, so its a little after 2008 has started, but here are the promised goals

Prox's Amazing 2008 Goals

  1. Eat health meals at home more often
  2. Exercise at least a couple days a week, and get back in good shape
  3. Get my finances under control
  4. Regain self confidence and motivation
  5. Stop being such a packrat
  6. Get closer to getting my CPA license
  7. Take the LSAT and decide about law school
  8. Finally one for fun, Learn to play Samba Pa Ti on my guitar

Wish me luck :)
Oooh...nice topic! and hello gang. :)

I guess I'd like most to work on...
1. stop being so hard on myself
2. quit stressing myself sick about things I cannot change or control
3. get MY finances under control!
4. be more patient with my kids
5. get healthier

not sure which but #1 or #2 will be the hardest for me!
Ok, we're over halfway through 2008 -- how are you coming on your goals?

MJ's goals for 2008
1. Finish the year in the best shape of my life (score 100 on the AF fitness test and be able to complete the pararescue fitness test)... increase focus on cardiovascular exercise in addition to strength
On track... I discovered Crossfit and it's made a world of difference.
2. Open some kind of retirement account
Not yet... I need to see how my finances settle after I move
3. Have my various debt under control (payoff plan)
Same as #2, although I do have a plan. It's just a long one.
4. Go on at least a few dates
Ehhh... :shrug: not doing so well on this one, but there's a half of a year left and I'm about to move to a big city
5. Make some good career decisions (specifically, get a good next assignment this fall)
I've got an awesome new assignment all lined up starting next month -- check this one off!
6. Start grad school or have a plan for it
Not yet, but it's still on my radar for this year.

Guess I'd better get a move on for some of these! :ut-oh: ...I wish I'd put skydiving on there so I could check it off.
well the years almost over but if I were to say something.

1. Find and Drummer and vocalist for my band
2. Improve my A.C.T. scores by at least 7 points (God help me with that)
3. Master sweep picking and pull offs on the guitar
4. Get A GIRLFRIEND WHY LADIES WHY DON'T you like me WHY*cries*
5. GEt married (maybe i willing to commit to fast oh well)
6. Start working on getting into Clemson or GOd forbid USC ekkkkk

1. i will reach my final weight/size goal
Well i am progressing towards the size 6/8 that i want

2. once my goal is reached weight/size wise i will work harder on the toning/fitness that i want to reach

I have started fitness training, lifting weights 3 days a week and toned alot in most places

3. I will concentrate on bettering my job

well i am helping my current boss get elected and rumor has it that i will first in line for his job if he wins in Nov
I did manage to wipe out all of my credit card debt.
The only debt I now have is from a home equity loan, which will be eliminated when we sell the house and move, which still hasn't happened, but we've actually moved some stuff over to the new place, so let's call that one "in progress".
:eek: MOMENT OF TRUTH :eek:

how'd you guys do?

MJ's goals for 2008
1. Finish the year in the best shape of my life (score 100 on the AF fitness test and be able to complete the pararescue fitness test)... increase focus on cardiovascular exercise in addition to strength
2. Open some kind of retirement account
3. Have my various debt under control (payoff plan)
4. Go on at least a few dates
5. Make some good career decisions (specifically, get a good next assignment this fall)
6. Start grad school or have a plan for it
1. well, i think i'll take 50% on this one. i haven't improved my running as much as i'd like to have, and i don't actually have that 100 in the books yet, but i've made huge progress in lots of other fitness areas and i'm way ahead of where i was last year (or probably ever).
2. erm, nope.
3. yes, debt is under control. it's just going to take a while. sigh.
4. i don't want to talk about it :tongue:
5. done! and "career decision" right now means "stay in the air force", and i'm ok with that.
6. well, my plan is to start in the spring. that counts, right? nothing's official yet.
well the years almost over but if I were to say something.

1. Find and Drummer and vocalist for my band
2. Improve my A.C.T. scores by at least 7 points (God help me with that)
3. Master sweep picking and pull offs on the guitar
4. Get A GIRLFRIEND WHY LADIES WHY DON'T you like me WHY*cries*
5. GEt married (maybe i willing to commit to fast oh well)
6. Start working on getting into Clemson or GOd forbid USC ekkkkk

1. sort of. my friend said he'll cover i drum tracks when we go into recording but he's not committed(and we're looking another drummer as soon as he stops avoiding us) and my bass player and are taking voice lessons (do they really work? find out on nexts week's.... ahh forget it)
2.well again kinda. I scored way higher on my SAT so i feel i'm good DARN YOU ACT DARN YOU ALL THE WAY TO 1134)
3.Half way i haven't mastered sweep picking but we probably get it 09 and my pull offs are considerable better YEAH
4.(sniffs) don't cry... big boys...don't cry....big boys... don't.......cr.....y (breathes heavily):D I'm okay


6. Its funny what difference a year makes I now want to get into USC and is becoming increasinly disgusted by Clemson:shrug: funny


oh and PROX and any other guitarist trying to learn a song I recommened downloading GUitar pro 5 (free trial 15 days) and power tab it really simplfies learning a song and guitarpro has everything a guitarist would every need scales chords etc just go to ultimate guitar to download tabs for these programs and you'll see what i mean hope that helps ; )