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Golf - not just for puttering around


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Golf has taken on a lot of dynamics over the years. Some people play for entertainment. Some play for relaxation and relief from stress. Even others play golf for tournaments and big name prizes. Golfing has been around since around the middle ages when the Scottish played similar "stick and ball" games. It is generally accepted that they invented the sport, but similar games have been around all over the globe. I am not particularly talented at it, but putting is one thing I enjoy, including the comical putt-putt mini golf games. I generally hit balls in my yard since I cannot afford to go to the big golf courses, but it sure is fun anyway.
I'd like to play but that probably won't happen for a few years and I'm retired, I'll go to the driving range rarely though and I do enjoy it despite being absolutely awful at it.
Yes, I have the same problem myself. I know for a fact that my technique is way off. I keep hitting the balls too much to the left. I have been shown how to do this properly a few times, but they always seem to end up off down the left side of the yard somewhere. I have been using one those little nets to hit the golf balls toward. It's basically for practicing the swings. Of course, a few always end up missed or driving just a few feet in front of me. Practice makes perfect as they say. I can't even hit that little net usually, but I keep trying.
Yeah I think it's all practice and repetition that ultimately determines how good of a golfer you can become, a little bit of natural talent (which I don't possess at golf!) does help as well. I think it's probably beneficial to get some a couple of lessons just to learn the basics and then attempt to carry it on from there, otherwise you'll be stuck in bad habits and won't be able to recognise why it is that you're not hitting the ball like you should. It's a lot more complex than it first seems.
I really enjoy going to the driving range and seeing how many balls I can hook over the fence. The best time, though, is when the cart is out picking up the balls. That's go time.
I think the problem I have is keeping my arms straight in the swing. Then the next issue is how straight I am pulling the club back before I hit it. Finally, I know that I need to be lining my feet up properly and hitting the ball in the right place on the club. This combination of things makes my driving very imperfect. I will not be joining in any professional golfing any time soon that's for sure.
So much of a mental game. Some days i'm great, other days I start off poorly and just get worse. Love it though
I tried playing golf when I was 6-7, couldn't hit the ball.

Then, 10 years later, I had a strike at the ball, hit the floor. Second, third and fourth strike somehow went 100 yards+. I still have no clue how I did it lol
I dislike watching golf but I don't mind playing it but personally even I find that boring. I mean your just hitting a tiny ball a few hundred yards and putting it into a hole, its way too slow for more, you literally spend more time travelling to where the ball landed compared to actually playing. Although I don't mind just hitting the balls randomly across a field, thats pretty fun.
There is a brilliant crazy golf course in Orlando called 'Pirate's Cove'. I would recommend it to anyone, especially if you have kids, I loved playing there when I was a kid. At night it looks beautiful with all the lights.
People find it odd when a group of 22 year olds go to the Golf course and wreck house.
So we don't go as often as we used to. I'm a pretty regular sunday golfer in the summer. I was ranked 12th in my State back in high school.
Now, i just do it for the recreational aspect, that and its one of the few sports i can drink and play at the same time. But its fun to go out with your relatives, (usually my Father, My Uncle, my Cousin and I play) and just have fun. very relaxing game and a great way to kill 6 hours.
Is playing 18 holes of golf really that tough? I have buddies of mine say that they are extremely exhaust after playing such a long length of golf. It doesn't look too difficult, you are hitting the ball into a hold with the clubs, but I have no personal experience with it.
Golf is my favorite sport, been playing for 16 years. My dad got me into it when I was roughly 11 or 12 years old. That was also right around the time Tiger Woods won his first Masters and golf completely took off.

Then I played on the High School golf team for all four years. I'd suggest any parent get their kid into golf. It teaches you how to act properly, respect the course, and be a gentleman in general. It's a game you can play the rest of your life.
I love to play! I try to get out once a week, and can not wait for the weather to get warm. Also, there is a Pirates Cove in Illinois and it is a lot of fun to putt putt at.
Is playing 18 holes of golf really that tough? I have buddies of mine say that they are extremely exhaust after playing such a long length of golf. It doesn't look too difficult, you are hitting the ball into a hold with the clubs, but I have no personal experience with it.

You can do 18 holes in like 4 hours if your playing correctly.
It isn't too hard to be honest. Just takes some finesse to get it right. You can probably learn how to play in a few holes. Just look on CL for a cheap set of clubs and you'll be cool.
You can do 18 holes in like 4 hours if your playing correctly.
It isn't too hard to be honest. Just takes some finesse to get it right. You can probably learn how to play in a few holes. Just look on CL for a cheap set of clubs and you'll be cool.

I think it depends on a lot of factors like how busy the course is, the skill level of the players playing, and the difficulty of the course.

I've played by myself on an empty course in 2.5 hours. I've also been on busy courses with foursomes on every hole where it took over 5 hours.

Sometimes you get stuck behind grannies who hit 10 shots in a row that only go 20 yards each.

If I were you and I were a beginner I would just go to a smaller course. You can check the course yardage before playing. Long courses are over 6,800 yards. You can find short courses that are like 5,000 yards. Hope that helps.
Golf is a great game to be immersed in. All ages can play it and this sport is very relaxing. I just play for fun, and I really enjoy it. It would be nice to play more, but I just don't have time. Everyone should at least try to play golf because it a wonderful game.
Golf was invented in middle ages, gosh I didn't know that. I don't play golf because it is too slow and boring for my taste. SpinKick is right when he says that you spend more time traveling than actually playing. I don't mind it catching on TV if some good players are playing.