Government Exposure To Anthrax More Widespread

Great analogy with the grand slams... what sense does it make to hit us with Anthrax? It's not contagious... it's very treatable with antibiotics, (with the exception of inhaled Anthrax). So... why not hit us with smallpox or some type of ebola strain? Weird... there's something weird about this that I don't think we've figured out yet.

Not unless they thought they had some modified strain that was antibiotic resistant and someone sold them the regular stuff?

Theories, theories, theories. AAGH! I wish they find out who and why this is being released. If it's an American doing it... do you think they should be executed as a traitor to the US during wartime?
Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
what sense does it make to hit us with Anthrax? It's

Simple... fear.
While not really presenting the threat of massive deaths, what the anthrax attacks have accomplished is that they've injected a sense of fear and paranoia into the American psyche.

While more subtle, the lasting effects of a fear attack can be far more profound.
Originally posted by Diesel Dan

Simple... fear.

I agree. The trade of a terrorist is of course terror [fear]. ALthough I do think it is bit of a failure at this point. If you had asked us, before this started, how we felt about anthrax being sent through the mail I think most would have thought that to be quite terrifying. But now that it seems to happen all the time, and reletively small number of people have been infected much less killed, it seems far less frightening. I don't intend to downplay the seriousness at all and I certainly hope that no more people are infected and that everyone recovers asap. However, I do think the public has built up a tolerance.

I suppose this tolerance is a goal in itself. They have begun to bring us doen to their level. They want to force us to care less about human life and to be much more brutal in our daily life.
I do agree that was probably a big part of it. If they could have scared us into staying in our homes, it would ruin our economy and demoralize us. However, they don't know what we're made of. We get kinda ticked off when they start messing with us on our own soil. ;)

It seemed to me that the two main reasons they hit the WTC was to kill as many people as possible and to hurt us financially. That's why I'm puzzled over the choice of Anthrax. If they wanted to kill a bunch of us and hurt us financially - I'm thinking they could have gotten their hands on something quite a bit more lethal then Anthrax. Or do you think maybe they couldn't have? Aren't smallpox samples fairly easy to get?

They could have gotten 100 or so of their suicidal people infected with smallpox, waited until they were contagious and have them travel throughout the US's bigger cities. Or released the disease in the same form they have done with the Anthrax. Although, I am not at all sure how long the smallpox virus can survive on it's own... unlike Anthrax which is like a bloody ****roach in that it takes a LOT to kill the spores. Maybe smallpox can't be distributed in the same way?

I don't know that the tolerance is completely a bad thing. Maybe it's because we're becoming determined to not show fear, so we don't give the Taliban satisfaction? I'm not afraid... I'm just mad as heck! I still go out and do the usual things, because I refuse to let them change my life or to live in fear! That is letting them win. Hey, if it's gonna get me - it's gonna get me and there's no use worrying about it! Won't help a bit.

Ack! I'm jabbering. Sorry about that!
Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
Ack! I'm jabbering. Sorry about that!

No, no -- really, don't apologize, I'm really enjoying what you have to say. Thanks for joining in the convo! :)
Originally posted by monsieurjohn
i'm joining the air force as soon as i graduate. that much is sure - i'm in rotc now. as i watch the news, there is little doubt in my mind that at some point i'll be directly involved with what is going on now, even though my graduation isn't until 2005. because of the rotc program i'm in, i frequently talk to high-ranking air force officers who do know what is going on. and although they can't tell me any more than they can tell the media, they know their military strategy, they know the facts, they know the choices that have been made, and they are in support of U.S. actions and have a firm conviction that we are going about this the right way. i'm inclined, frankly, to trust them. they know better than i can speculate.

We'll see. I agree that what they plan to do is the right thing, but it is taking too long. Bush hoped he'd have Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, and another centre in American hands three weeks before the Afghan winter began. That's not going to happen now because it's been such a slow moving campaign. So unless the ground forces REALLY get a move on in the next couple of weeks, we won't be seeing any action until next April. By that time, who knows where Bin Laden will be, who knows whether Musharraf will still be in power in Pakistan, and who knows whether Putin will still be in power in Russia. Time is of the essence.

Originally posted by monsieurjohn
if there were an enemy lined up to fight us, then sure, we could send in everything we've got, dispatch the enemy in thirteen hours, and come home. but this war is *totally* unlike every war we've ever fought because we have a hazy objective and an invisible enemy. as such, we can't fight it like any other wars we've ever fought. the élite special forces are trained for situations like this, and they are teh ones best suited to carry out the operations. if we start using the shotgun approach and sending in massive numbers of soldiers, nothing will be accomplished beyond what the special forces can accomplish except for collateral damage and loss of life, both of our men and of the afghan people.

There is an enemy lined up to fight us. With that first raid on Afghani soil, the Taliban saw the special forces coming, and the U.S. military got a rude shock when they took quite a few casualties. The Taliban, as a regime, are so close to Al Qaeda they have to go. The only way to do that is with a ground operation. The special forces might have a little bit of luck, but finding Bin Laden is doubtful, as even now they have no idea where he is, but, as happened with that first raid, sending small numbers of special forces against all the Taliban has just isn't working. A full-blown assault on the four largest cities, as planned, would most probably work, if it's not too late. The Taliban isn't an innocent regime sitting by while the big bad U.S. goes in against them. The Taliban IS the enemy, as much as Bin Laden is. Hell, the leader of the Taliban and Bin Laden are as we speak, in hiding together.

Originally posted by monsieurjohn
one more thing... as horrible as it is, there is no "once and for all" - even if we destroyed bin laden, the entire taliban, every terrorist training camp, and wiped afghanistan off the face of the earth, there are still terrorists, and tehre are still followers of bin laden somewhere, and an entire new era or terror has been born and there will be no end to it. our ways of life can never be the same, and we have to live with the fact that no matter what kind of fighting we do, the world will never be the way we knew it a month and a half ago.

Not quite. You'll always have your fanatics, but that's all they'll be. Fanatics. Think of how popular Jerry Falwell is when he comes out with mad statements like after September 11. They won't have the backing of the regimes, and without support from the Afghani and Iraqi governments, September 11, nor the anthrax attacks, could have gone ahead.

Originally posted by KNSinatra
Let's not start materializing personal attacks out of statements intended as contributions to a political dialogue.

That wasn't a personal attack, and you know it. I simply said that Hermie would like to think I'm stupid. That says nothing about Hermie. That's simply defending myself.

Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
Whoever it was that said President Bush doesn't have the balls to stick it out over popular opinion... yikes! He hasn't even been president for a full year yet! What is giving you that opinion? We have no idea how he will react, but I'm betting that he WILL stick with it til the end. He doesn't strike me as the type of person who would pull out over re-election/popularity polls. Besides, American's (or the majority of them) are fully behind this war.

For now, he will. But if he doesn't move fast, he's going to have to wait until April. A lot can change in six months. Will support be so high then? I'd be very surprised. And if the American people don't back him, I'd be even more surprised if he did what was right, and finished the job.

Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
I have to agree with the people here who say let's take our time about it. Sure, emotionally I'd like to see us storm in there. But then again, it's not ME over there and it's not YOU over there. Those of us here in our safe homes have to take more of an intellectual -vs- emotional look into the situation. The troops we do send in are not nameless faces... they are the sons and daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters of other Americans. Their lives should not be casually tossed away in order to achieve immediate gratification.

Excuse me for being harsh, but what is the purpose of an army if it won't fight? In Kosovo and such places, they had an excuse. But this time America was attacked. If you have loved ones in the army, you need to accept that they're going to be called off to war one day.

Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
I'm wondering if it is a radical group within the US that is doing it to speed up the war on Afghanistan... or if it is indeed another terrorist attack. What do you think?

It's an interesting theory, but one that's basically impossible. Only in rare labs in Russia, Iraq and the U.S. can be used to make anthrax. It's very difficult to make, and that this attack was able to take place is a result of the Hussein regime's support of Bin Laden, or the more unlikely possibility, that it may have come from dissidents within Russia, after the breakdown of the Soviet Union.

Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
So... why not hit us with smallpox or some type of ebola strain? Weird... there's something weird about this that I don't think we've figured out yet.

Smallpox is basically dead. There's two laboratories on Earth which still contain samples of it, one in Russia, one in the U.S. It would be pretty much impossible for terrorists to get their hands on these. I don't know much about ebola, but it must be harder to produce than anthrax, or they'd have tried it instead, I'm sure.

Originally posted by Diesel Dan
Simple... fear.
While not really presenting the threat of massive deaths, what the anthrax attacks have accomplished is that they've injected a sense of fear and paranoia into the American psyche.

While more subtle, the lasting effects of a fear attack can be far more profound.

I agree.

Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
Aren't smallpox samples fairly easy to get?

As I mentioned above, no. They'd be very, very difficult to get their hands on.

Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
Ack! I'm jabbering. Sorry about that!

Nah, not at all. :)
It's good to have you back. :)
Originally posted by PsychoticIckyThing

For now, he will. But if he doesn't move fast, he's going to have to wait until April. A lot can change in six months. Will support be so high then? I'd be very surprised. And if the American people don't back him, I'd be even more surprised if he did what was right, and finished the job.

I think support will be high for at least one year if not two. President Bush has given many speeches about this very issue... lettting us know that this is a war that may take years. Even knowing that - I think the last poll showed that almost 80% of the American's were behind him completely.

Excuse me for being harsh, but what is the purpose of an army if it won't fight? In Kosovo and such places, they had an excuse. But this time America was attacked. If you have loved ones in the army, you need to accept that they're going to be called off to war one day.

That's not a harsh question in my book. :D Ok let me try to answer your question. It's not that the army won't fight, it's that they have to follow orders like any other military force. Right now, they are not being allowed to go into the major cities in full force. Maybe another reason for not rushing things is that the United States knows that for the first time in history, we have almost all of the nations in the world united in a single cause - to wipe out terrorism? If we do go in there and attack the major cities, wipe out a bunch of civilians along the way, that would make us as callous as the Taliban and terrorist groups, woudn't it? Not only that, there would be dissension among the nations that are united now. There is not only our cause at stake here (which is to seek justice for what they did to us)... we also have to take into consideration how this union of nations can have long term benefits. It may be a door that is being opened to allow the nations of the world to become closer. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing, if it led to all of us getting to know each other better and perhaps find a way to start communications that led to a more peaceful world overall. If we go in and just start blasting away - we may lose many nations that are bonded right now.

Of course, I could be dead wrong about the reasoning - it's just a thought though.

It's an interesting theory, but one that's basically impossible. Only in rare labs in Russia, Iraq and the U.S. can be used to make anthrax. It's very difficult to make, and that this attack was able to take place is a result of the Hussein regime's support of Bin Laden, or the more unlikely possibility, that it may have come from dissidents within Russia, after the breakdown of the Soviet Union.

Smallpox is basically dead. There's two laboratories on Earth which still contain samples of it, one in Russia, one in the U.S. It would be pretty much impossible for terrorists to get their hands on these. I don't know much about ebola, but it must be harder to produce than anthrax, or they'd have tried it instead, I'm sure.

Well, I figured the least I could do is look around about Smallpox since I couldn't very well hold a conversation with you and be ignorant about it's threat. So..... here's what I found at the CDC and John's Hopkins, this is just a SMALL portion of the total article. (I hope I do the quote right according to forum rules here - if not will ya edit it for me?)
"Smallpox, because of its high case-fatality rates and transmissibility, now represents one of the most serious bioterrorist threats to the civilian population.

In 1980, the World Health Assembly announced that smallpox had been eradicated and recommended that all countries cease vaccination. That same year, the Soviet government embarked on an ambitious program to grow smallpox in large quantities and adapt it for use in bombs and intercontinental ballistic missiles. That initiative succeeded.

Russia still possesses an industrial facility that is capable of producing tons of smallpox virus annually and also maintains a research program that is thought to be seeking to produce more virulent and contagious strains.

An aerosol release of smallpox virus would disseminate readily given its considerable stability in aerosol form and epidemiological evidence suggesting the infectious dose is very small. Even as few as 50-100 cases would likely generate widespread concern or panic and a need to invoke large-scale, perhaps national emergency control measures."

Thank you! It's nice to be back! :)
Originally posted by PsychoticIckyThing

There is an enemy lined up to fight us. With that first raid on Afghani soil, the Taliban saw the special forces coming, and the U.S. military got a rude shock when they took quite a few casualties.

Where did you hear that? From what Ive heard there were no casualties.
Originally posted by PsychoticIckyThing
That wasn't a personal attack, and you know it. I simply said that Hermie would like to think I'm stupid. That says nothing about Hermie. That's simply defending myself.

Um, and how, pray tell, do you presume to know what I would like to think? I never said anything about you being stupid, or about wanting to think you were stupid. What I did was point out that you were making generalizations about Americans, which you *did* do, and have often done.

And back on the subject, I really don't know what good it's going to do, all this military action. I don't think it's going to stop terrorist activities - look at all this anthrax crap. And who knows what will be next. I honestly can't see this "war" deterring anyone from futher attacks. I'm not saying I have all the answers, I don't know what if anything can help the situation. But I just don't see military action of any kind, of any intensity, solving the problem.
Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
That's not a harsh question in my book. :D Ok let me try to answer your question. It's not that the army won't fight, it's that they have to follow orders like any other military force. Right now, they are not being allowed to go into the major cities in full force. Maybe another reason for not rushing things is that the United States knows that for the first time in history, we have almost all of the nations in the world united in a single cause - to wipe out terrorism? If we do go in there and attack the major cities, wipe out a bunch of civilians along the way, that would make us as callous as the Taliban and terrorist groups, woudn't it? Not only that, there would be dissension among the nations that are united now. There is not only our cause at stake here (which is to seek justice for what they did to us)... we also have to take into consideration how this union of nations can have long term benefits. It may be a door that is being opened to allow the nations of the world to become closer. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing, if it led to all of us getting to know each other better and perhaps find a way to start communications that led to a more peaceful world overall. If we go in and just start blasting away - we may lose many nations that are bonded right now.

Interesting argument. :)
I think a relatively bloodless operation wouldn't be too hard to achieve. Also, there's going to be civilian casualties anytime we go in, whether it be now, or whether it be later. It's an unfortunate reality, and I think the majority of nations are going to accept that.

Originally posted by Banshee Laughter
Well, I figured the least I could do is look around about Smallpox since I couldn't very well hold a conversation with you and be ignorant about it's threat. So..... here's what I found at the CDC and John's Hopkins, this is just a SMALL portion of the total article. (I hope I do the quote right according to forum rules here - if not will ya edit it for me?)

Thanks for posting that - it's nice to know a little more about the virus. It's very deadly, I don't think anyone would be arguing that, but it's just too hard for terrorists to get their hands on - probably excepting some sort of dealings with the Russian mafia. And I'd be surprised if even they could get their hands on smallpox. It's just too rare.

Originally posted by Prox
Where did you hear that? From what Ive heard there were no casualties.

An independent source. It was also confirmed in this morning's newspaper.

Originally posted by hermanm
And back on the subject, I really don't know what good it's going to do, all this military action. I don't think it's going to stop terrorist activities - look at all this anthrax crap. And who knows what will be next. I honestly can't see this "war" deterring anyone from futher attacks. I'm not saying I have all the answers, I don't know what if anything can help the situation. But I just don't see military action of any kind, of any intensity, solving the problem.

Military action will do a lot more than sitting back and waiting for Bin Laden to attack again, and again, and again. If you don't think military action is a solution, then what would YOU do? It's too easy to sit back and run off a list of things you don't want, but what would YOU do?
Originally posted by PsychoticIckyThing

That wasn't a personal attack, and you know it. I simply said that Hermie would like to think I'm stupid. That says nothing about Hermie. That's simply defending myself.

Just to clarify, I certainly did not mean that *you* were waging a personal attack. By "materializing" I meant that it sounded as if you were labelling what Hermie said as personal attack against you. She never used the word stupid, nor made any other such insulting reference to you, and I was saying "careful!...don't claim personal attacks where there were none."
Originally posted by jourgenson
What is your source? And to which newspaper are you refering?

I just want to clarify something, after a conversation with Prox last night. I think I might have come across wrong in my original post. There were casualties, not a great deal, but there were casualties. reported it at the time, and then there were reports of two Ranger casualties yesterday, in my local paper.
Originally posted by KNSinatra
Just to clarify, I certainly did not mean that *you* were waging a personal attack. By "materializing" I meant that it sounded as if you were labelling what Hermie said as personal attack against you. She never used the word stupid, nor made any other such insulting reference to you, and I was saying "careful!...don't claim personal attacks where there were none."

Ah, good. :)