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Half Life² Case



It's black friday 12:30 at night and me and my firend are working on our half life² case. Tommorow we will be going to homedepot and buying the supplies to make all the cuts. Then we need to order the stuff from SVC to make it light up like the Black Mesa research lab. =)
Began cutting today and got the one side cut out. If my friend sends me the pictures and I find a place to host them I can show you some pics.
Do a progress guide of it being cut and painted if you are doing so. Also take pictures of every step.
I saw some guys work log of it on some forums and it looked nice with the logo cut into case panel with some red cclf and stuff
Okay I found a way to upload the pictures so here they are. We aren't even a quarter of the way done, right now we are just in the cutting phase. What we have done is we cut out the motherboard side window and began cutting the top. We also modded the front of the chieftec so we could put one 120mm fan in there instead of two 80mm.


The basic ingredient to any modding adventure. SODA. Though I would of preffered some DEW this is all we had at the time and we finished that two liter in about 5 minutes =).


This is the window layout for the motherboard side of the case. Where the Half life symbol is there is going to be a nice fan.


At first we attempted cutting the case with a dremel. But after about 3 blades and 6 inches we decided to use a jigsaw with a very fine metal blade. This cut will and was easy to use when going around the curbed corners. I then sanded and grinded down any rough edges with the dremel.


Okay here is the finished side panel. You might not be able to tell but that thing above the half life symbol is a two. Hence Half Life² case. Also you can see the design for the top of the case.


This is the side panel sitting in front of my computer with an Instant message of me talking to Excess on it. I wanted to show him a closer better quality picture.


A nice closeup on the two above the halflife symbol.
nice nice nice, how did u get the #2 so cleancut...?
probably filed it. metal files or sanding. one of those :p
dremel with some weird bit that I found in it is how I got the two to look so good.
cant wait for it to be done! should do orange and white lighting. :D
ewww, orange and white lighting would look horrible in my opinion, peach looking. Not blue tho, like red!!!
we are still deciding on what colors. But we want it to be orange but no one sells orange cold cathodes, so we might have to settle with uv orange stuff with red and yellow lights.
i would go uv too, uv has soo manny possibilities that you can do. Uv sleeving is probly the best uv mod anyone can do unless you coat everything in ur case with clear uv paint :) :) :)
troubledmind, how are you gonna add the transparent window? I love the design bytheway, and I was considering doing something really similar to that of yours except the theme would be more chemistry or biology related. Yea, I'ma nerd. Props to ya.
Dude another thing u could do is use diff color plexi when windowing.
eh different colored plexi takes away from the visibility of the components
so, depending on how he does it it can look p4wnzor, he could have it so its frosty looking so he doesnt have to sleeve or anythying.
frosty might be on the top where the half (120mm fan) Life² is.
Well it's time this has been updated. Last week me and my friends tried to work on it. We went over to his house and brought our computers incase we got bored. Well we all have A.D.D. because we played counter strike and various other online games for hours and got nothing done on the case. Last night we went to his house without any computers strictly to work on the case. We still didn't get much done =). But here is what we did get done.

Well we start out the day nice and early with a health breakfast. Here are the two main ingredients in a superb modder's breakfast.


Now off to work. As you can see we have already traced out the plexi and cut it with a dremel making sure to go slow and not melt the plexiglass.

I already drilled the holes for the bolts that will hold the glass in place. I did this by going from the viewable side to the back to prevent flares from the drill. We then used a smaller bit drilled a pilot hole and then a larger bit to make the actual hole.

Okay here are a couple of mentally ill people I brought down form the hospital to hold my case up for the picture. Well actually they are my friends and we are all doing the case together.

We removed the protective covering from the plexi and washed it with windex to give it that nice clean look.

Here are my friends again holding up the side panel with half of the nuts installed and the glass tightened down on it.

We wanted to see what it looked like on an actual case so we put it on the side of one of my friends many computers.

This is a close up of the HL² symbol.

Here is the case turned on and the flash off.


Next we are frosting a piece of glass to go over the 2 on the side panel.

Next up on the case we have to do another window for the opposited side. Continure cutting out the Half Life on the top and buy all the materials such as lights and things that will go inside of the case.