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Hang over the top, or from the bottom?

Do you hang toilet paper over the top or from underneath?

  • My paper hangs over the top

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My paper hangs from underneath

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  • No preference

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When change the toilet paper roll, do you make the toilet paper hang over the top, or from underneath?
Top of course. I think only women hang it underneath, because they sit for everything. But as a guy, you can't get to it when your standing if it's underneath.
I really don't care, so I said I have no preference. But most of the time I make it hang from the top. I just got to say this is one odd but well though out thread. Most of us change toilet paper and never think about it. This thread makes us think about it.
Why would you need the toilet paper standing up moose?

I jsut throw it on and let fate decide. It doesn't really matter either way.
This is something MrD and I argue about everytime- HE has it hanging underneath the roll, and I prefer it on top. It just LOOKS better that way. Have you ever seen it hanging from underneath in a hotel?
I don't understand you make a big deal on how toilet paper is hung based on how it looks?
It is much neater hanging from the top. Most OCD people have to have it neat and orderly. It drives me nuts seeing it the other way. Over the top or forget it!
ohhhh,,who cares,,it all looks the same in the end,,,
Too bad they stopped making it in colors. It would be nice to color coordinate the bathroom!;)
OK, so now start a thread on "What do you wear to bed"? or something like that.
They stopped making oclors because the chemical dyes were giving peopel rashes.
OK, so now start a thread on "What do you wear to bed"? or something like that.

Anglo, do we really want to know what some people wear to bed?
It's true, Chris. I understand that it was also affecting some septic systems. I have Christmas toilet paper with reindeer and snowmen. No one can use it tho - I've had the same rolls for 3 years. Everytime someone heads for the bathroom, I yell out instructions as to how to use TP!!! MrD almost faints every time!!