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Happy Birthday GINA!!



She mods at my site, and smods here. She is the nicest mod you can find at any forum (she actually reminds me of a much nicer TheDPQ, you yaXay fans ;)) And today was her birthday! Happy Birthday GINA!!!!!!!
Happy birthday, then!

Have a cookie.

( )

Ok maybe that doesn't look much like a cookie...
thank you so much :wub: now entering adulthood at 2-0
Happy 20th GINA...I'm a day late, only because I was at school until 9:30 for homecoming stuff last night. Think about it, one more year until you can legally drink.
hmmm... thought i posted in here....

well anyways. hope your 20th birthday was great. bet you cant wait till next year.
Originally posted by Xilicon
Happy 20th GINA...I'm a day late, only because I was at school until 9:30 for homecoming stuff last night. Think about it, one more year until you can legally drink.
this is true, except that i don't drink :| oh well, as my boss told me, one more year til i can buy alcohol and make a business selling it to stupid freshman on campus ;)
Happy late birthday, Gina! All the best wishes and such. Have a present...


Haha, okay, so it has no bow but it looks like a present, no? ;)
Wow.......Gina your getting old, better start saving for retirement.
And I better be somewhere in that will of yours.
Ahh don't say that Buster.

Plus, your a few days late on the celebration. ;)
I didn't realize how young she was until I looked! Only 20? Way to go, G. ^_^
looked where? i know i look really young. people always ask "so, you're 15, 16 now?" no dummy, i'm 20! they say i'll like hearing this later in my life when i'm old
Originally posted by GINA
looked where? i know i look really young. people always ask "so, you're 15, 16 now?" no dummy, i'm 20! they say i'll like hearing this later in my life when i'm old

Sorry. :< Er, I did think you were 16 or something, though. Shows how much I really know, huh? Heh.