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Buffalo Grove
How can I get rid off them??? I read about moth balls, where can I get a good price for those balls hehehe? maybe there's a deal?? Have you had this problem? I called a private company and they wanted to charge $125/ visit and $65 for each animal they capture...
Please help!
And I thought I had problems with "nature". Sorry I have mice not skunks, good luck.
I would pay the guy.

If it's a pregnant female or she has kits in there, you are not going to get her out. And if you do, you will be sorry because she will attack and bite you, and skunks are huge carriers of rabies.

And it's illegal to sprinkle around mothballs outside. They must be in a container.

If you lived in the country I would say borrow a live trap from the animal control, then shoot them as you catch them, but I see you live in BG.
Mothballs are cheap @ dollar stores...
I would pay the guy.

If it's a pregnant female or she has kits in there, you are not going to get her out. And if you do, you will be sorry because she will attack and bite you, and skunks are huge carriers of rabies.

And it's illegal to sprinkle around mothballs outside. They must be in a container.

If you lived in the country I would say borrow a live trap from the animal control, then shoot them as you catch them, but I see you live in BG.

Kathy - I almost spit out my drink! :lol:
Skunks are very territorial, once they imprint on an area, they are very resistant to relocation.
Thanks, I think I'm going to keep and eye on that and try to confirm how many (if there's more than one) to call the experts on this, we just saw one walking arround while my husband finished the grass, and so naive I said, how cute! But then I saw he ran under the shed... I'm worry now, because we have 2 cats (indoor) but once in a while we let them go to the fenced patio to play arround.
:lol: Thankfullly, I have no experience with skunks :phew:

If you want to get another estimate, I'd recommend calling Ty from Wildlife Police (630)789-9453

SUPERRRRR nice guy who knows everything about everything critter-related! I gotta say, he tells amazing stories .... very knowledgeable and lots of experience..... I'm sure he could give you a price over the phone.

I admit to not shopping around so I don't know if he's the cheapest.... the Animal Control Officer gave us his name when we discovered a squirrel down in the basement chimney stack/vent thingy.... I was in a hurry to get him out. :phew: We've also had him put some animal proof covers up on the roof... he can do a quick look over and point out potential problems.

Lucy LOVESSSSSSSSSSSS getting her sniff on when he comes over... he is COVERED with wonderful scents

I'm worry now, because we have 2 cats (indoor) but once in a while we let them go to the fenced patio to play arround.

Do NOT let your cats play around outside while there is a skunk in the area. Trust me, you will save yourself from a stinky, expensive, and difficult task of cleaning up not only the cats, but everything in the house that they touch, sit on, rub against, etc. It was hell.

Be careful with fox urine if you have foxes or coyotes in the neighborhood. The urine may repel the skunks, but may attract foxes & coyotes to your yard.
I would try fox urine. We had opossums living under our deck & that got rid of them.
In my area animal control will come and put traps and take care of them.
check with your town/village. In my town they are considered a nussiance and the village will pay someone to come out and trap them. We had to have this done twice. Try calling your public works people and see what they say
My BIL had them under the front deck. Since they are nocturnal, wait until they go out for the night (after 10 or 11) then go out and spread mothballs. fill any holes with rocks or put up some fencing so they can't get back because they will try.
I would pay!

A neighbor had skunks, it sprayed and somehow it got inside her house through the vents and they had to tear out carpet and repaint. She had to toss toys as well as some clothes. Anything in her basement had to go. Some was covered by insurance, some wasn't.

Think about it. How much it would cost to replace all that, new toys, whatever vs. what that guy is charging. I wouldn't wait.
Have the male member of your household pee on the near-by area. I only deliver the rural cures....I would PAY! :lol: The snake cure works like a charm but I wouldn't use that one again.
I would pay the guy.

If it's a pregnant female or she has kits in there, you are not going to get her out. And if you do, you will be sorry because she will attack and bite you, and skunks are huge carriers of rabies.

And it's illegal to sprinkle around mothballs outside. They must be in a container.

If you lived in the country I would say borrow a live trap from the animal control, then shoot them as you catch them, but I see you live in BG.

Just what we had to do. My neighbor I now call "exterminator Mike" took care of it. Just don't do it too close to the house, it really does stink and can last for weeks.
We thought we had one under our front porch and had a wildlife company come out to trap it. We ended up catching a raccoon instead, but he baited the trap with grape jelly and liver sausage - this is what he always baited the traps with to catch skunks.

Good luck, I hope you get rid of it (them) soon!