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Have you ever.....

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Yes when I was 8 years old. When I was 23 and leaving home I dug it up.

Have you ever walked into a store with no shoes on?
No, but I went into a restaurant that way once when I was about sixteen. They asked me to leave. (What was in the time capsule, rosebud?)

Have you ever taken pictures with a 35mm camera and discovered you forgot to load it with film?
Yessssssssss... lol and it was on my oldest sons graduation. (felt so bad afterwards)

I placed a brush, a barbie doll and her clothes, a shiny rock from the beach and a shell and a notebook of some things that happened to me that year.

Have you ever wished upon a star and the wish came true?
Nope, much to my disgruntlement.

Have you ever "sledded" down a grassy slope on a big piece of cardboard?
No...but I rolled down the hill.

Have you ever gone up in a hot air balloon?
No! And I've always wanted to.

Have you ever stepped on a slug in your bare feet?
No.....lol hope never to either.

Have you ever camped out and had smores?
Indeed I have, but only once with the s'mores...I found they were kinda sticky and messy to eat, and since my family bush-camps, "sticky" is just another word for "dirt magnet". I make them lots for my nephews and friends' kids, though. I figure, hey, I don't have ta clean 'em...

Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
yes...lol when I was a teenager. On a hot summer night with a group of friends at the lake. It was a blast.

Have you ever dance in the summer rain?
No, but I have done other things in the rain.

Have you ever fallen asleep while at work?

Have you ever cried over spilled milk?
Oh wow, only once; I was about sixteen. I think I was in love with the romantic idea of it all. Oddly enough, it's one of the few things I tried that never really disappointed me. It really is lovely to dance in the summer rain. I wonder why I only did it the once?

Have you ever had a baby sneeze in your face?
lmaooo yes more than once.

Have you ever had a baby pull your hair so hard some of it is in his/her hand/
:lol5: Indeed I have! I love how they look, too--"Oo! That's interesting." And half the time they go back for more!

Have you ever had a favorite pet?
My favorite pet is an extremely jealous and bratty dog named Paris. I rescued her from the pound, haven't had any behavioral problems with her, and she loves her mommy and I love her.

Have you ever stood outside to watch a tornado?
No. Tornados are a very rare event here. We get a crazy water spout occasionally, but that's generally it.

Have you ever worn your heart on your sleeve?
Nope but some day I will.

Have you ever had chocolate covered strawberries?
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