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Have you used steroids?

Nope, never tried or really thought about it. Not that there's anything truly wrong with taking them for the regular person. It's a personal choice, but I care about my health first and foremost over any gains I may get from them. I'm not truly educated on them either though, so maybe side effects aren't truly that bad. Still, I'm fine just being natural athlete.
I have some friends who used steroids, but personally I think that's cheating. I'm not a professional and I have never used any kind of pills.
Steroids are a controversial issue. The media washed our brains to think they are evil, while steroids have not been shown to cause any health damages on healthy adult males.

You have plenty of evidence where steroids saved people from HIV, helped malnourished children to grow healthier and taller, and put sports where they are today. Steroids are used in professional sport, drug testing is poorly carried out and can easily be carried out.

You have people dropping dead every minute from Alcohol or Tobacco, and they are legal. Steroid abuse(not use) kills 3 people in the USA. Steroids heal you when you're sick, and kill you when you're a healthy athlete? Bullshit, all those people talking bad about them have nothing to back up their claims. Steroids can be used safely and help improve the quality of life(you know, your testosterone drops after you hit 25) and can heal sick people.

Bigger, Stronger, Faster and 'The Truth About Steroids' are worth watching on youtube.
I haven't taken steroids and will not due so in the future. I think that it takes the enjoyment out of working out, because with steroids and a good routine, you can see better results in a shorter time too.